Guest Book Comments Archive


Archived Guest Book Comments

Comments: thank you so much this is a great site. i was looking up some comforting bible verses for a friend that was upset about his grandfathers illness and it not only helped him but it helped me. god bless you and your wonderful site

Thursday, January 8th 2009 - 08:41:18 PM


Name: Melanie

E-mail address:

Homepage URL:

Comments: What a refreshing and absolutely necessary site! What a wealth of information that is both Christian and carries the belief of pyschic ability. I've found nothing but criticism from the Church or disbelief about the abilities I was born with and inherited from my mom's people. My great-grandparents were traiteurs (french for Treaters) and I was first informed officially about my abilities at age 12. I hope you continue to enlighten, teach and guide us along the path specifically chosen for us by God.

Thursday, September 18th 2008 - 10:32:47 PM


Name: cara

E-mail address: dont need to know

Comments: i stumbled upon this site when i was doing a report, and im glad. not only did it help me with me report it sort of calmed me? if that makes sense. it made me realize whats important in life and i am glad that someone would take the time out of there day to make a site dedicated to Jesus and helping people. God Bless You. <3cara

Monday, August 27th 2007 - 05:28:04 PM



E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you , that was a wonderful piece to read. How lovely to think this will be here soon, it makes so much sense to me. its helped me see things more clearly. Donna

Monday, August 13th 2007 - 04:29:14 PM


Name: Dawn

E-mail address:

Homepage URL:

Comments: There is always hope from beyond. It is closer than we think for it is always around us when we need it.

Saturday, July 7th 2007 - 11:49:29 AM


Name: none

E-mail address:

Comments: if you do spirit rescue please contact me on my email or msn above. thanks!

Monday, June 18th 2007 - 08:31:53 AM


Name: Susan

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you Lilly for sharing these beautiful verses. I was looking for comforting, appropriate scriptures to highlight in a bible that I just bought for a very close friend who has recently been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She has not had any direct experience with the church so I didn't want to just hand her the Book and say read it. Highlighting verses personalizes it so much more. Regards, Susan

Saturday, January 6th 2007 - 04:54:46 PM



E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you! I am learning everything in lill steps not all at once so i dont overload my brain.. its a great site to learn from.. I do have a few abillities up my sleeve taht im relearning and needs more practice on.. and this site is doing just that thank you som much lilly! from LILLCHEVY

Sunday, December 24th 2006 - 01:01:38 AM


Name: corrina lowe

E-mail address:

Comments: hi, found this site very helpfull and interesting. i am thinking about learning spirit writing and found some helpfull information.

Sunday, November 19th 2006 - 02:02:47 PM


Name: wild orchid child

E-mail address:

Comments: Just passing by,happy to see that there are people who care to help others in any way.I myself am blessed with loads of positive energy.Hope to drop some by this lovely site- Rays of sunshine, Orchid

Thursday, November 2nd 2006 - 10:08:29 AM


Name: messenger of LOVE

E-mail address:

Comments: When I saw the quote From Jeremiah I knew I had found my place! LOVE is the only answer!This message I was given by The Asender.

Sunday, October 22nd 2006 - 05:59:37 PM





Saturday, October 21st 2006 - 06:13:34 PM


Name: alan steedman

E-mail address:

Homepage URL: http:/none

Comments: Such a lovely and inspirational sight god bless

Friday, October 6th 2006 - 02:11:26 PM


Name: Rita D Perez

E-mail address:

Wednesday, September 13th 2006 - 10:53:03 AM


Name: Melissa

E-mail address:

Comments: My sister told me about this site. I have been suffering from sickness and depression most of my life. I hope to read and learn more.

Monday, September 11th 2006 - 03:54:48 PM


Name: seth

E-mail address:

Comments: i am psychic my self but alittle lost on my path to my s destiny the lord shall bring me hrew somehow

Monday, August 17th 2009 - 04:29:09 PM


Name: sean

E-mail address:

Comments: hello!

Saturday, July 25th 2009 - 02:02:09 PM


Name: esmeralda

E-mail address:

Friday, June 5th 2009 - 12:28:42 AM


Name: Melanie Stapleton

E-mail address:

Homepage URL: http://MSN

Comments: I am a dreamer,I need all kinds of help for ma & my family love Melanie xoxo

Wednesday, May 27th 2009 - 07:21:17 PM


Name: Aindrias Smith

E-mail address:

Comments: Wonderful place. Can I have information on Family Totems please.

Tuesday, April 28th 2009 - 04:08:23 AM


Name: tanveer

E-mail address:

Comments: Hello there, Hi, i am a male of 29 years from Dhaka,Bangladesh.I was wondering to know meaning of a specific sign that i am seeing these days,could you help me sharing any knowledge about this please.Like, when i'm out on the roads i see these "marriage bureaue" signs or know advertisings about those institutions where people get married registrition wise.It's not that they were not there before and i did not notice them.These days it's more like my eyes just go stuck to these adds even if it's pretty old or hidden behind newly situated dust-bin.Like my eyes find them automatically and surprises me.I don't know if i couold make you understand as my english' really does suck. Some say it's a good sign some say it's about something negative coming up.Please do let me know,it'd be great. =)

Saturday, March 7th 2009 - 04:20:22 PM


Name: Jane

Comments: I am going through a very difficult time and I just really needed to read this. I know it is all true but I will visit here daily.

Monday, February 16th 2009 - 10:13:12 PM


Name: Liz

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you so much for creating this page. I am currently going through a horrible break up with the man I thought I was going to marry. I was searching for some encouraging words when I came across your site. Every little bit helps, so thanks.

Wednesday, January 7th 2009 - 06:46:13 PM


Name: peter

Comments: thanks for making this website. ive been having a lot of trouble this month, and this really helped comfort me :] thank you lilly, god bless

Sunday, November 16th 2008 - 10:12:26 PM


Name: eve

E-mail address:

Comments: just exploring

Saturday, November 15th 2008 - 03:05:14 AM


Name: Dr. Karen Zilverberg

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you for this beautiful and most helpful site!

Thursday, November 6th 2008 - 12:21:32 PM


Name: Nakita Etienne

E-mail address:

Comments: THANKS A BUNCH>>>>> HELPED IN A TRYIN time of exams!!!

Monday, September 22nd 2008 - 08:49:39 AM


Name: lorah

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you for this.. its going to help me and my dad with alot of stuff. :)

Monday, June 23rd 2008 - 07:19:44 PM


Name: kari

E-mail address:

Comments: Two times in my life, once when I was a young girl, and last week I have had a hawk carrying a snake in it mouth fly over my path. These are very memorable experiences in themselves, but I am beginning to wonder if there is any history or information surrounding these type of events. Could someone please answer.

Friday, June 20th 2008 - 08:58:58 AM


Name: emilie

E-mail address:

Comments: hi, this isnt a game and your hands do not push it me my step sister and step mum and dad had somwthing really shocking happen last night because of the ouija board, my dad started shouting and i was telling him dont make her upset please! and he got really agressive without realising. after this my step mum shot back and was rolling her eyes and saying death. after all of this i stood up from the sofa that i jumped on to when this happened and my dad started shouting emily!!! the dog ran into the corner and was barking at the wall as if someone was there i was like what now he said with a stutter, there was a lady as if she was scared and wanted you to confort her.then we got rid of the whole thing straight away, we was watching television and my dad just stoped and looked like he could see the futre when he got out of this he was really weird he kept saying samuel and music we was all very scared and he told my dad theres too much shock in this room so we all settled down. it took me and my step sister no lie about 3 hours to get to sleep. but belive what you like, if you think its a game fine. but belive me its not and you dont ever want to try it in your life. emily

Sunday, June 1st 2008 - 01:18:40 AM


Name: Melissa Bunt

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you for your God lifting insights. I can feel much help coming forth from this site - help that is beyond words. The best words are Thank You to describe this site and what it means to my life!

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 03:52:42 PM


Name: gilly

E-mail address:

Friday, April 18th 2008 - 02:22:08 PM


Name: Lindsay&carey

E-mail address:

Homepage URL: http://

Comments: Me and my friend carey is going to use the ouija board. But we do not beileve in it. so lets see what happens :p

Friday, April 11th 2008 - 04:37:01 PM


Name: Esther

E-mail address:

Comments: I really liked the site, and it was all really neat. I was looking up some Bible verses on grudges/forgivness, and I found most of the ones I needed here. -Esther

Friday, March 21st 2008 - 11:22:24 AM


Name: janice

E-mail address:

Tuesday, March 18th 2008 - 07:18:35 PM


Name: josiah suthan

E-mail address:

Comments: THIS HAS CERTAINLY BLESSED ME!thank you for ur ministry..may God Bless You!!

Monday, December 10th 2007 - 01:12:07 PM


Name: Kayleigh

Comments: thankx

Wednesday, November 7th 2007 - 06:32:36 AM


Name: deborah willis

E-mail address:

Comments: hi, i am going to stay at the waverly asylum overnight with friends and we want to use the ouija board first before we take it there with us do you have any advise. i have the protection chant and take it seriously i am just motivated by my energy to contact spirits past. especially one close to my heart. i can sense things before they happen and i am doing a lot of that sensing lately. i am strong and ready what is your advice?

Saturday, September 29th 2007 - 11:13:54 AM


Name: Shelly

E-mail address:

Saturday, September 22nd 2007 - 08:02:57 AM


Name: michelle

E-mail address:

Homepage URL:

Comments: I lost my dad when i was 7. I lived in a small town in milwaukee. My house was bulit by the airport there. I have always felt negitive feelings in that house exspecialy when i was either in my room alone at night or in the basement where i had my recroom. I'm not sure if the oujia was used there but I have always been senitive and can feel things or sprits around me.(even when i go for readings i'm always told there are alot of sprits around me...which freaks me out a little). i didnt know what this was until i played with oujia board and it would move and answer my question without me directly touching it. When i was 21 or 22 I played again and the people i was with were laughing at it and i yelled at them telling them what i knew to be fact about the board. They listened and stoped teasing. we contacted a little boy that died in front of where i was living. He was the best friend of the boy that grew up there and his parents still owned and now was renting the upstairs to me where the little boy that died used to sleep when he stayed the night with his friend bruce.... how did he die? he didnt tell us but bruces mother and dad which mind you DONT believe, believed after i was having problems with my couch shaking for no reason meaning no washer running and no train tracks anywhere near by and nothing else in the whole place shook either,just the couch. there where three bed rooms, a kitchen an actic part off the kitchen also a bathroom and a room for my washer dryer. In the bedroom the lights would flicker on and off and only stoped if i asked it "please" to do so also somethimes it wouldnt turn on/or off unless i asked it nice to do so. my land lords thought i was "NUTS"!!! to say the least. my family thought i was doing some hard core drugs and even teased me for belivine i had a gost in my house. my landlords came up checked the wirers going to the light... thinging it was squirrels (which we did have)and they were chewing the wires BUT when they checked evrything was fine it was when they expressed there doubts is when it went on and off infront of them/ my brother and mom came to visit me and my kids and my brother were making fun of me about all i was telling them when the couch my brother was sitting on in my living room stated to shake hard. He said i was f-ing with him and that i was running the washer or something as he flew off the couch and was wide told him.... I had just got done telling them what my land lords told me happend infront of our house when the couch began to shake...what happend to david??? he was bruces best friend. bruce, his sisters and david that lived two doors down on howell ave in milw. the street is heavily travel even back then. the street has serval bars. they hardly had any yard to speak of so they played this game where you shoot a penny across the street and bring it back before the next car would come a long...a long story shorter david didnt make it and was drug 2 and 1/2 blocks under a car of a drunk driver before he died. He is a good spirit that liked to "play" he never hurt any of us but to be safe i didnt bring anything with me when i moved ie. the couch, the washer dryer and the radio that would play unpluged in my bathroom. I want people to know that i didnt know about david until my landlords heard the name (david) and investigated what i was experiancing and found nothing to explain why i was having trouble with the light or why my couch would shake or why my radio would play unpluged. The other reason why i knew david was a good sprit he would warn us to break from the board by having the pointer spell " he coming " we asked "who" always answed "he" we asked it if "he" was a bad sprit and david would say "yes" then get upset moving the pointer real fast in a circle. I wouldnt play and still dont after that and when i stoped is when the lights/radio and couch thing happen. you may say i'm lieing but how could i know that little boys name? and my land lords who didnt believe that had a boy david die out side the house. I just want people to stop thinking it's a game and take it serious!best wishes to all and my god be with you always :)

Thursday, August 30th 2007 - 12:12:50 AM


Name: Connie

E-mail address:

Comments: This site has opened my eyes to so much. I'm so thankful this site is around to help those of us wanting to know more about what's going on around us and to us. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, August 21st 2007 - 11:33:28 AM



E-mail address:

Homepage URL:

Comments: Your article about the OUIJA BOARD FACTS, are 100% ACCURATE. When I was 11, back in 1984, my brother and I, with his friends, use to treat the board as a game, and not a DIVINATION DEVICE, ( we didn't know any better, back then. ) Yes, we did open the doors to some NEGATIVE SPIRITS, who lingered with us until, 1998, and as exemplified in my MYSPACE profile, you will read how the past OUIJA use has ignited my OCD, from when I was 13 years old, ( DON'T WORRY, I NEVER MENTIONED THE BOARD IN MY PROFILE. ) I was also a TAROT CARD reader, for the past eight years, with accurate readings, until one of my cards was stolen, which resulted in NEGATIVE READINGS, therefore, I'VE DISCARDED THE DECK IN 2003. THE ONLY SPIRIT I'LL DEPEND ON & ABIDE TO IS, " THE POWER OF CHRIST, " at least his strength is a SOLID SPIRITUAL COMMITMENT! :) Sincerely, KIM SOLI PHILADELPHIA, PA

Sunday, August 19th 2007 - 09:12:22 AM



E-mail address: KRYZTAL_2006@YAHOO.COM

Friday, July 13th 2007 - 09:40:10 AM


Name: irose

E-mail address:

Comments: Hello, we were all home on one evening just before Easter Sunday at about 1:30am. when i woke to my daughters voice seeming like she was scared of something. I immediatly ran down the stairs with her to find what seemed to look like the Virgen Mary's shadow praying to her bedside.We had a lit candle for her because of our faith,she is ill with renal failure and we were in line for the list of donation for a kidney. I stood there with my daughter when all she could say was "look mom what is that?".the shadow faced her bed and seemed to be moving in the image and moving in motion of prayer like. we didn't move or call anyone else (media, or take pictures.) I stood there all day until the evening and the next day, and there was light in the room. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it was miraculis to us. My daughter recieved her kidney that November.

Thursday, July 12th 2007 - 01:11:09 PM


Name: Jessie Haycraft

E-mail address:

Comments: I've really enjoyed this site.I just can't seem to join the forum. Jessie

Wednesday, June 27th 2007 - 08:11:11 PM


Name: Debbie

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you, for the wonderful articles. Looking forward to your ADH article. God Bless. Love, Debbie

Saturday, June 16th 2007 - 02:08:26 PM


Name: sheila

E-mail address:

Comments: i really enjoyed your was very informative and interesting.

Sunday, June 10th 2007 - 05:58:17 PM


Name: John J.

E-mail address:

Comments: I belong here.This is my home.I have found the answer. God and Man coming together as one.This is the key.I am one of the elder Lightworkers.One of the earliest generation of Indigo children. When you have nothing,you have everything.We are not bodies with spirits.We are spirits with bodies. Please respect spirit.For they will enter your heart. Self-realisation has begun. Bless this site and all it's members.

Sunday, May 6th 2007 - 09:37:10 AM


Name: MysticalKnightlight

E-mail address:

Comments: HI Lilly I am working , just a little note to you all . Computer is not working so I have disconnected internet for now. Please know I miss you all so much . Please give my LOVE to Lisa, Matt, Debbie, Zoe, Orchid. Just miss you all so much.Puter will not be hooked up untill I am in the U.S. Send my LOVE and Great BIG Hugs. I think of you all EVERY DAY. LOVE, Light and Blessings Jan

Wednesday, February 28th 2007 - 01:33:31 PM


Name: Debbie Powless

E-mail address:

Comments: Have had some experiences and dreams which have come true.Don't know whether this would classify me as psychic or not but I have questioned myself many times as to what is going on and why.I figure the Lord will reveil his reasons as to why on his time and not any sooner.God bless all and may he guide you and care for you always. Debbie.

Friday, February 2nd 2007 - 09:17:29 AM


Name: pink angel

E-mail address:

Comments: I want to thank everyone for letting me join and I hope life treats you all most excellent, blessed be.

Sunday, January 21st 2007 - 11:31:28 AM


Name: Cathy

E-mail address:

Comments: I am going through many changes and yes looking for many answers. I will be moving soon to a bigger centre and am in great need of spiritual energy. Where I live at the moment has left me so empty the parish here is filled with such negative Karma it is all I can do to go to mass. I wonder why God alows such negitive entities to take over a church (Roman Catholic. It really is sad. I will be moving to a new home and location where I have experienced great love and wonderful energy. A friend of my is the Parish Priest. I am very happy to leave this place. I just pray that the move happens quickly. I have to sell my house and am hoping to build a new one in my new location. My background is, OTA/PTA, occpational Therapist/Phsyiotherapist and do alot of hands on work. I really need to have The Lord's healing energy to do my work properly, I love to help people. Thank you for such a wonderful site. Thank you God I send many Blessings to all you are in need.

Monday, January 15th 2007 - 11:43:32 AM


Name: Jamie Feterl

E-mail address:

Comments: Having relationship issues with my girlfriend....I am trusting in God that his help will solve our problems and lead to soulutions for our troubles.

Sunday, January 14th 2007 - 04:28:54 PM


Name: Susan

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you Lilly for sharing these beautiful verses. I was looking for comforting, appropriate scriptures to highlight in a bible that I just bought for a very close friend who has recently been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She has not had any direct experience with the church so I didn't want to just hand her the Book and say read it. Highlighting verses personalizes it so much more. Regards, Susan

Saturday, January 6th 2007 - 07:00:54 PM



E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you! I am learning everything in lill steps not all at once so i dont overload my brain.. its a great site to learn from.. I do have a few abillities up my sleeve that I'm relearning and needs more practice on.. and this site is doing just that thank you som much lilly! from LILLCHEVY

Wednesday, December 27th 2006 - 04:56:39 PM


Name: nichole boardman

E-mail address:

Comments: peace,love,and light be with all

Thursday, December 7th 2006 - 08:56:18 AM


Name: Susan

E-mail address:

Comments: I'd like to develop my abilitys but I don't know how, I really would like to receive assitance to learn how to keep watch qagainst the enemy to my soul, I am a recovering addict and it's a struggle sometimes, I know that for me Gos is real, and I need to become stronger within myself so that I can learn how to share my testomony

Saturday, October 28th 2006 - 07:48:33 PM


Name: Snowphie

E-mail address:

Comments: Hi, i am so thankful, for accepting me in your group. Finally answers to my questions can now be answered

Tuesday, October 3rd 2006 - 06:15:42 PM


Name: snowphie

E-mail address:

Comments: hi I would like to join because since the move i have heard voices in the house, since it's a delicate subject i think joining a group is the best thing to do. i want to learn more, and i think your group could really provide this for me.

Sunday, October 1st 2006 - 07:20:27 PM


Name: Whisperingbreez

Comments: Thank you Lilly for a wonderful reading. The time you spent and the patience was greatly appreciated :-) Hopefully as I become more "connected" I will be able to make sense of everything!!! Kim

Tuesday, September 19th 2006 - 09:13:44 AM


Name: Melissa

E-mail address:

Comments: My sister told me about this site. I have been suffering from sickness and depression most of my life. I hope to read and learn more. Date: 2006-09-11 15:54:48 (Pacific Time)

Tuesday, September 19th 2006 - 09:00:52 AM


Name: Vicky Jardin

E-mail address:

Comments: Hi, I am glad to find your group on the net. It has been my longing to find a group where I can develop my third eye so to speak. I am a person who have experienced feeling and seeing paranormal beings. Some I supposed are displaced spirits who needs help from living beings like us through prayers. Some experience I have are seeing and feeling beings from beyond. I am not afraid to feel and see them. As a matter of fact, I want to help them particularly the displaced spirits. Helping them to find their way to our Lord's kingdom is a big mission for me.

Tuesday, September 19th 2006 - 08:58:04 AM


Name: Nancy Brenna

E-mail address:

Comments: I had a past life reading with Lilly on Thursday, March 28. Although I would like to keep our reading private, I have to say that my reading and the subsequent answers to my follow-up questions were truly life altering ..... Lilly is blessed with a most wonderful gift of psychic ability, but the TRUE gift is the love with which she shares this with others. God bless you, Lilly ...... Thanks bunches!

Thursday, September 7th 2006 - 04:26:33 PM


Name: DreamMaster

E-mail address:

Comments: What a blessing it is! Your website look BEAUTIFUL! Remember, Luke 1:37, "For with God, nothing shall be impossible." Keep up your great work, I really do love it! Thanks. DreamMaster

Thursday, September 7th 2006 - 04:22:07 PM


Name: Vicky Jardin

E-mail address:

Comments: Hi, I am glad to find your group on the net. It has been my longing to find a group where I can develop my third eye so to speak. I am a person who have experienced feeling and seeing paranormal beings. Some I supposed are displaced spirits who needs help from living beings like us through prayers. Some experience I have are seeing and feeling beings from beyond. I am not afraid to feel and see them. As a matter of fact, I want to help them particularly the displaced spirits. Helping them to find their way to our Lord's kingdom is a big mission for me.

Wednesday, September 6th 2006 - 11:01:00 PM


Name: Orange

E-mail address:

Comments: I would love to join this group, I used to dream about events before they happened as a child.My mother used to be able to tell a person their past (including small details such as what colour paint someones boat was, green by the way) My Mum gave this all up when she became a Christian. Now I'm lloking for answers. Recently my brother died, it was his choice. How do I know that he is o.k? What really happens after life?

Monday, September 4th 2006 - 11:25:59 PM


Name: Jaguarempress

E-mail address:

Comments: Hi, looking for new places. I am wondering about my home situation, and if I should and can change it. What the next 6 months hold for me. Where I am living now is okay, but I feel as if my roommate has too many secrets that are now good for me or my kid. I keep getting negative feelings and that I should move us. Thanks

Sunday, September 3rd 2006 - 06:34:29 PM


Name: Kathy R.

E-mail address:

Homepage URL:

Comments: Hello, I found your forum while attempting to find help for a friend (Larry), who's car, a 2001 Blazer, (and other items) were stolen by "Mike" (homepage link is to a photo of him.) I'm hoping to find people who have psychic dowsing skills, who are willing to assist him in the recover of his car. Larry has been through absolute hell recently; and, this latest blow has been really devastating to him. I often have difficulty receiving mail from hotmail and msn accounts; so, if possible, please contact me using some other type of e-mail address. (Blasted filters let in all sorts of junk; but, dump real e-mail!!!) Thanks, Kathy

Thursday, August 31st 2006 - 10:44:14 PM


Name: Nancy

E-mail address:

Comments: I hope to share and learn

Friday, August 18th 2006 - 05:43:51 PM


Name: Nikki

E-mail address:

Comments: I am very pleased to have found your website. I love that it sounds positive and hopeful at this time of upheaval and transition. When I first looked at the groups offered on MSN I was discouraged and had assumed their were none that I could join. But this group sounds perfect. I love talking to like-minded people to learn and perhaps teach. I practice Reiki and often will go into trance state to receive messages to offer to some of my clients. More and more people are turning toward the light/becoming light workers but it is not always easy to find them. So thank you for providing this opportunity. In Love and Light.

Thursday, August 17th 2006 - 08:05:13 AM


Name: manuela evans

E-mail address:

Comments: well like i explaine to u lilly i see sometimes somthing like stars comming to me people that i talk with about this kind of say iam crasy so i still dony know how come i find this site i was in the net one day very sad i was looking for something to fell more peacefull with myself i dont now how come i found this site and a few days ago i decide to right u and know here i am i believe i have some spiritual powers but i dont know way or how to use it so here iam ready to help and to be helped tank u so much for your help lots of hugs manuela soory for my english...

Saturday, July 15th 2006 - 09:02:06 PM


Name: bethankful321

E-mail address:

Comments: Nicely written. Thank You!!!!

Tuesday, July 11th 2006 - 05:49:02 AM


Name: DeAna

E-mail address:

Homepage URL:

Comments: Liked your site so much I have included it in my directory at

Friday, July 7th 2006 - 02:42:01 AM


Name: Tina

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you for this information, I am enjoying reading the info on this site, and thanks for the tips!!

Saturday, July 1st 2006 - 05:01:10 AM


Name: Lillias

E-mail address:

Comments: I have just this minute found your site and I'm gobsmacked! Is this the end of my search I ask myself. Have had many psychic experiences since the age of 11, joined the spiritualist church at the age of 22 went on until my first marriage broke up. Remarried and now have difficulties with my abilities. I feel, and I may well be wrong, that my husband is such a strong force that he is blocking me somehow. I don't suppose for one minute that he is aware of it but I seem to be facing a brick wall at times. Or is spirit telling me to find the way again?

Thursday, June 29th 2006 - 01:25:48 PM


Name: Tim (eidestbro)

E-mail address:

Comments: Joining the group is sort of a call for help and support for me I guess.I've been suffering from depression as long as I can remember. Even when I was little. I tried to hide it all my life, knowing deep down that God was there for me , and he was. It got really bad after my divorce and loss of business. Alcohol and drugs took over my life and came to a head last august. My weight had soared and I was admitted to the hospital. It was there that I found out that my life really did matter. With the help of some friends, family and divine intervention, I have been able to lose over 130 lbs, quit smoking, drinking and drugs I did it without rehab. just the support of my loved ones and my renewed trust in the Lord. Hopefully with your help i'll continue to get better spiritualy and physicaly.

Friday, June 23rd 2006 - 06:33:57 PM


Name: Mark Sprinkhuizen

Comments: i love good and god so much and would never do evil other then to help good and to show people there is such things as real as what they only thought to imagine. secondly i love your site so much. has helped me more then i could ever express in words. only thing i can think is maby you are an angle in phisical form sent to help. such i belive to be one my self and the rest of my family. mom siter's. what are your thoughts on Bipola mood disorder. my theroy is somewhat liek a jedi form star wars. the mood are extreme to use the emotions to use the force as such. crossing between the ballance of down = bad up = good. it would help for some information on that topic. well Thank you so much

Tuesday, May 16th 2006 - 06:13:28 PM


Name: Trieste Savona

E-mail address:

Comments: I really need some hope from beyond. I often feel I have some psychic ability, but lately, since the disappearance of my close friend, I can no longer find peace. I await him in my dreams, and fear the heart ache he will bring. I have had vissions in the past that have come to me in my sleep. The visions usually wake me with bad news. I fear my friend is dead, and the tears his young family will shead. I can't sleep anymore. Please help I crazy?

Thursday, May 11th 2006 - 09:34:07 PM


Name: Jessica

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you for all the wonderful information

Thursday, April 20th 2006 - 04:42:37 PM


Name: Amy

E-mail address:

Comments: Thank you for the verses. They were very inspiring and hopeful. God Bless You

Tuesday, April 11th 2006 - 02:29:59 PM


Name: joann williams

E-mail address:

Comments: Finding you seems like a special gift, I feel my spirit reaching out and feel I will indeed be blessed. May the Lord richly bless all who make this site possible.

Monday, April 3rd 2006 - 07:05:14 PM


Name: elaine baul

E-mail address:

Comments: I have just found your site tonight, and i find it very intetresting, i myself love this way of life and have been in it for about 7 years. I buried my husband 14 months ago and could'nt have coped without these wonderful people, I am at the moment a fledglyn and I hope I can in time help people like I have been helped.

Thursday, March 23rd 2006 - 01:17:07 PM


Name: Northernangel38

Homepage URL:

Comments: Thank you so much for everything. I am doing much better. I believe God brings us angels unaware, you happen to be one he sent to me.

Wednesday, March 22nd 2006 - 01:33:17 PM


Name: phoenix hill

E-mail address:

Comments: for a long time i've been searching for those like me feels like home thank-you

Saturday, March 11th 2006 - 03:55:56 PM


Name: Linda Jane Bartlett

E-mail address: trevlin@idws,co,za

Comments: At last i have found someone to share my views with without being afraid that people are going to take me up the wrong way. Love and light

Saturday, March 11th 2006 - 12:03:15 PM


Name: Melissa

Comments: What a great place for newbies like me to get information. I am very thankful for this site. God bless

Friday, February 17th 2006 - 10:12:03 AM


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