
The Hopatcong Community Garden consists of 46 plots that are either 10' x 14' or 10 x 12'

It is $25 per season to lease a plot for Hopatcong residents with a one time security fee of $25 as well. 

Garden members are to use only certified organic seeds, seedlings, soil and practice organic gardening methods.

Gardeners are expected to keep their plots and the area around their plots free of weeds ad debris.  Being a member is a commitment. Between watering and weeding, you can expect to spend 2-4 hours there weekly. If it rains, that is a big help. If you put down mulch or some sort of weed barrier, that will help minimize your time as well. 

Gardeners are also required to volunteer their time to help with the upkeep of common areas in the garden and help in other ways. 2 hours are required in the spring, 2 in the summer, and 1 in the fall.  It may sound like a lot but it really is not. For example, if you and a spouse weed a common area an hour each, that would complete two hours. 

To give you some ideas on ways members can help fulfill those required hours are: weeding, spreading mulch, picking up supplies at a store if we need them, changing a hose, watering pollinator gardens, mowing the grass outside the fence, helping out at fundraisers such as the annual Hudson Farm Charity Hike, helping out at booths where we may be present at the Lake Hopatcong Foundation's Block Party and/or Hopatcong Days. Other tasks may spring up!

We also have an annual spring and fall clean up day that counts towards hours and is also a great way to meet other gardeners! 

If you would like to know more, please take the time to read the By Laws and Rules and Regulations below. If you are interested in joining the garden and are a Hopatcong Resident, please email us at 

The Operating Rules and Regulations are located here

The Hopatcong Community Garden By-Laws are located here

he Registration and Hold Harmless Forms are located here   

If you are not on the waiting list, we encourage you to get on it as we have people who have been waiting for two years for a plot. 

To do so, please send your name, address and phone number to