Honglin Ren


Renmin University of China, School of Business, Assistant Professor, 2021 September -  present
Cornerstone Research, Associate, 2019 October - 2020 September


PhD Finance, 2019, Georgia State University
MS Finance, 2012, Syracuse University
BBA Finance, 2011, Fudan University, China


Working Papers

Too Naïve to NAV? Performance Display and Capital Misallocation with Haibei Zhao

Mutual fund flows chase price returns (NAV returns) that leads to capital misallocation and value losses for fund investors. 

Political Partisanship and Firm Value with Anqi Jiao

The partisan alignment between firm executives and the U.S. president has value implications for firms and affects how firms interact with and are governed by the government. 

Environmentally-Inclined Politician and Local Environmental Performance: Evidence from Publicly Listed Firms in China with Hanming Fang, Danwen Song, and Nianhang Xu

EIPs strategically leverage their expertise in environment protection to allocate more effort on environmental causes and improve local environment performance.

Winner of the Best Corporate Finance Paper Award at 2023 China Financial Research Conference

Main Publications

Redemption in Kind and Mutual Fund Liquidity Management with Vikas Agarwal, Ke Shen and Haibei Zhao, Review of Financial Studies, 2023, 36(6), 2274-2318.

Political Uncertainty and Household Stock Market Participation with Vikas Agarwal, Hadiye Aslan and Lixin Huang, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2022, 57(8), 2899-2928.

Winner of the Best Paper Award at 2019 Academic Research Colloquium for Financial Planning and Related Disciplines 

Alpha or Beta in the Eye of the Beholder: What Drives Hedge Fund Flows with Vikas Agarwal and Clifton Green, Journal of Financial Economics, 2018, 127(3), 417-434.

Partisanship, Optimism, and Firm Innovation with Anqi Jiao and Jutai Lu, Financial Management, Accept

Other Publications

Hedge funds: Performance, Risk Management, and Impact on Asset Markets with Vikas Agarwal, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, 2023. 

Blue versus red: partisan firm leaders and corporate culture with Anqi Jiao, Business & Politics, Accept

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Derivatives Markets: Evidence from Global Futures and Options Exchanges with Ekaterina E. Emm, Gerald D. Gay and Han Ma, Journal of Futures Markets, 2022, 42(5), 823-851.

The Rise and Breakup of the Commodity Exchange Membership: An Analysis of CBOT Seat Prices with Ekaterina E. Emm, Gerald D. Gay and Han Ma, Journal of Commodity Markets, 2021

Corporate Risk Exposures, Disclosure and Derivatives Use: A Longitudinal Study with Ekaterina E. Emm and Gerald D. Gay, Journal of Futures Markets, 2019, 39(7), 838-864.

Political Catastrophe and Firm Strategies: Evidence from the Capitol Riot with Anqi Jiao and Han Ma, Finance Research Letters, 2022.


Renmin University of China, School of Business 

Georgia State University: 


The National Natural Science Foundation of China [no. 72202225]