Electric Load Forecasting I: Fundamentals and Best Practices
Electric Load Forecasting I: Fundamentals and Best Practices
This two-day course introduces electric load forecasting from both statistical and practical aspects using the language and examples in the power industry. Through hands-on exercises, participants gain experience of load forecasting for a variety of horizons (short, very short, medium and long term forecasts). The overall aims are to prepare and sharpen the statistical and analytical skills of participants in dealing with real-world load forecasting problems, and improve their ability to design, develop, document, and report sound and defensible load forecasts.
Recommended next course - Electric Load Forecasting II: Advanced Topics and Case Studies
Next Public Offering
Dec 12-13, 2018, Charlotte, NC (registration open)
Locations of Past Offerings
2017 - Charlotte, NC | Philadelphia, PA
2016 - Charlotte, NC | Cary, NC
2015 - Austin, TX | New York, NY | Melbourne, Australia
2014 - Charlotte, NC | Melbourne, Australia | Sydney, Australia
2013 - Rockville, MD | Irvine, CA | Chicago, IL
2012 - Cary, NC | San Francisco, CA | Dallas, TX | Atlanta, GA | Boston, MA
Customized onsite offerings - Direct Energy, Houston, TX | Saudi Electricity Company, Saudi Arabia | Southern Company, Atlanta, GA | SAS Institute, Cary, NC | Nike, Beaverton, OR | Gas Natural Fenosa, Spain
Attending Organizations
US - Accenture | Alliant Energy | Ambit Energy | Ameren Corporation | American Electric Power | American Public Power Association| Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation | Bear Valley Electric Services | California ISO | Clearview Electric | Direct Energy | DNVGL | Duke Energy | El Paso Electric Company | Electric Reliability Council of Texas| Endurance Energy | EPRI | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Forefront Economics | Glacial Energy | Golden State Water Company | Hawaiian Electric Company | Hoosier Energy | Integrys Energy Group | Iowa State University | ISO New England | JEA | Lee County Electric Cooperative | Liberty Power Corporation | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | Lower Colorado River Authority | Lubbock Power & Light | Luminant Energy Co | Macquarie Energy | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Midcontinent ISO | Minnesota Power Co | Navajo Tribal Utility Authority | Nebraska Municipal Power Pool | North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation | Northern California Power Agency | Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative | NV Energy | Oklahoma Gas & Electric | Old Dominion Electric Cooperative | Pacific Gas and Electric Company | PJM Interconnection | Plano Independent School District | Portland General Electric | Questar Gas Company | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Salt River Project | San Diego Gas & Electric | SAS | Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc | Solution Design Team | Southern California Edison | Southern Company | Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative | Star Energy | Tennessee Valley Authority | Tucson Electric Power | TXU Energy | US Environmental Protection Agency | Utegration | Vectren Energy Services | Zencos Consulting
International - Australian Energy Market Operator | Ausnet Services | CitiPower and Powercor | Connected Analytics | Contact Energy | Energy Australia | FH | Gas Natural Fenosa | Genesis Energy | MERALCO | Meridian Energy | mPrest Systems | National Grid Saudi Arabia | Origin Energy | Philippine Electricity Market Corp | Israel Public Utility Authority for Electricity | SAS Australia | SAS Phillipines | SAS Russia | SAS UK | Saudi Electricity Company | Transgrid | United Energy (NZ) | University College London | Western Power