

. Classification of semi-weight representations of reduced stated skein algebras (with H.Karuo). ArXiv:2303.094333

. Azumaya loci of skein algebras (with H.Karuo). ArXiv:2211.13700

. Relating quantum character varieties and skein modules (with J.Murakami). ArXiv:2211.04525

. Quantum groups and braiding operators in quantum Teichmüller theory. ArXiv:1907.01732

 . Triangular decomposition of character varieties. ArXiv:1904.09022

 . A quantum ergodic theorem for mapping class groups action on character variety. ArXiv :1601.06106


 . Classical Shadows of stated skein algebras at roots of unity (with A.Quesney) (to appear in Algebraic Geometry & Topology). ArXiv:1905.03441

. Finite presentations for stated skein algebras and lattice gauge field theory. Algebraic & Geometric Topology 23-3 (2023) pages 1249-1302. ArXiv:201203237

. Mapping class group representations derived from stated skein algebras. SIGMA 18 (2022), 064, 35 pages.  ArXiv:2202.07649

. The quantum trace as a quantum non-abelianization map (with A.Quesney). J.Knot Theory & its ramifications (2022) vol 31 no 06, pages  2250032.  ArXiv:1907.01177

. Stated skein algebras and their representations. Journal RIMS Kokyuroku (2021) vol 2191 pages 52-71.

. Unicity for representations of reduced stated skein algebras. Topology & its Applications 293 (2021) pages 107570. ArXiv:2001.00969

. On the infiniteness of the image of Reshetikhin-Turaev representations. Archiv der Mathematik 111 (2018), pages 247--256. ArXiv:1412.2671

. Decomposition of some Reshetikhin-Turaev representations into irreducible factors. SIGMA 15 (2019), 011, 25 pages. ArXiv:1406.4389

.  Irreducible factors of Weil representations and TQFT . Mathematical Reports 21(4) (2019). ArXiv:1310.0390


. A survey on stated skein algebras and their representations:  ArXiv:2105.09563

. The slides of a class I gave on the same subject can be find here.

. A survey on the analytic part of Gunningham-Jordan-Safronov's proof of Witten finiteness conjecture is here.

. A reproduction of an experiment of Jajjala, Kar, Parrikar showing that neural network can learn how to predict not so badly the hyperbolic volume of a knot from its Jones polynomial can be found here.

PhD thesis: 

 .  On some quantum representations of the mapping class groups of surfaces