
External Research Grants

Australian Development Research Award (AusAID): Microfinance beyond Group Lending: An Experimental Approach (Joint with A/Professor Lata Gangadharan, Professor Dilip Mookherjee, Professor Rohini Somanathan, Dr Sujata Visaria and Dr Sandip Mitra). Total Amount: $610,657.

International Growth Centre (London School of Economics) Research Award: Middleman Margins, Credit and Information Constraints: Potato Markets in West Bengal, India (Joint with Professor Dilip Mookherjee, Dr Sujata Visaria and Dr Sandip Mitra). Total Amount: $150,000.

International Growth Centre (London School of Economics) Research Award: Potato Traders in West Bengal: A Survey of Contractual Relations and Market Structure (Joint with Professor Dilip Mookherjee, Dr Sujata Visaria, Dr Alberto Motta and Dr Sandip Mitra). Total Amount: GBP 18000.

International Growth Centre India (London School of Economics) Research Award: Learning and Earning: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in India (Joint with Dr Subha Mani). Total Amount GBP 10000.

International Growth Centre Bangladesh (London School of Economics) Research Award: Religion and Trust in Close Knit Rural Communities (Joint with Dr Minhaj Mahmud and Mr Ananta Neelim. Total Amount GBP 10000.

USAID: Programs to Enhance Credit Access and Crop Marketing Success of Poor Farmers: A Field Experiment in West Bengal, India (Joint with Dilip Mookherjee, Sujata Visaria, Alberto Motta and Sandip Mitra). Total Amount: USD 100,000.

International Growth Centre India-Central (London School of Economics) Research Award: Impact of Elite Capture on the Provision of Public Services (Joint with Lata Gangadharan, Tarun Jain, Joseph Vecci). Total Amount: GBP 9923.

International Growth Centre Bihar (London School of Economics) Research Award: Community Driven Development and Elite Capture (Joint with Lata Gangadharan, Tarun Jain, Joseph Vecci). Total Amount: GBP 9884. 

International Growth Centre (London School of Economics) Research Award: Designing Microfinance for Agricultural Growth (Joint with Dilip Mookherjee, Sujata Visaria, Alberto Motta and Sandip Mitra). Total Amount: GBP 30,000.

Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (IMTFI/Gates Foundation) Research Award: Mobile Money Financial Literacy via Television Comedy (Joint with Paul Lagbcygier, Andrew Crawford and Jeff Fang). Total Amount USD 17,000.

Hong Kong Research Council Grant: How to Make a Miracle: An Investigation into the Mechanisms by which Agent-Intermediated Micro-lending Increases Rural Incomes (Joint with Dilip Mookherjee, Sujata Visaria, Alberto Motta and Sandip Mitra). Total Amount: HKD 457,000.

United Nations University World Institute of Development Economics Research (UNI-WIDER) Research Grant: Do self-help groups remedy gender discrimination and empower women? Experimental evidence from India 2015-2016 (Joint with Lata Gangadharan, Tarun Jain, Joseph Vecci). Total Amount: USD 10,000.

Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (IMTFI/Gates Foundation) Research Award: Exploring ROSCA Dynamics with a Cambodian Factory Worker Simulation (Joint with Paul Lagbcygier and Andrew Crawford). Total Amount USD 14707

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Emerge (Evidence-based Measures of Empowerment for Research on Gender Equality) Initiative Research Award: Gender and Third Party Punishment (Joint with Lata Gangadharan and Tarun Jain). Total Amount USD 42146.

DFID Economic Development and Institutions Research Award: Training MLAs to Serve Better (Joint with Siwan Anderson, Patrick Francois and Tarun Jain). Total Amount GPB 21000.

IFREE Award: Advice and its Impact on Social Learning in Developing Countries (Joint with Lata Gangadharan, Joseph Vecci and Marie Claire Villeval). Total Amount USD 9775.

Economic Science Association Conference Support: Poverty and Identity. (Joint with Lata Gangadharan, Paulo Santos and Marie Claire Villeval). Total Amount USD 3000.


Australian Research Council Discovery Grants

Living Standards, HIV/AIDS and its Impact on the Next Generation (with Professor Ranjan Ray and A/Professor Brett Inder). Total Amount: $140,000.

Modelling inequalities in Health Australia in the Area of Obesity (with A/Professor Bruce Hollingsworth and A/Professor Mark Harris). Total Amount: $230,000.

Modelling Decision Making within the Household and Analysing its Welfare Implications: Methodological Advances with Policy Applications (with Professor Ranjan Ray and Professor Kaushik Basu). Total Amount: $210,000.

Resource Inflows, Intrahousehold Resource Allocation and their Impact on Expenditure Patterns, Child Health and Household Composition (with Professor Ranjan Ray and Professor Monojit Chatterjee). Total Amount: $60,000.