Research activities

Upcoming/Latest events

- "Convex Geometry, Differential Geometry and Harmonic Analysis: Building Synergies", XXIII Lluís Santaló School 2024, Santander, 29/07/24 to 2/08/24.

- Asymptotic Convex Analysis, 9ECM 2024, Sevilla,15/07/24 to 19/07/24.

- Discrete Geometry Days 3, Budapest, 2/07/24 to 5/07/24.

Past events

- "From the question how to properly define the diameter in generalized Minkowski spaces to relating means of convex bodies", Geometrietag, Cottbus, 6/06/24 to 7/06/24. 

- Escuela-Taller de Análisis Matemático y Aplicaciones Bernardo Cascales, Cullera, 26/02/24 to 1/03/24.

- Recent developments on Convexity, Congress Bienal RSME 24, Pamplona, 22/01/24 to 26/01/24.


- "From convex geometry to polynomial optimization via Helly", Seminario de AMMA, UCM, Madrid, 13/4/23.

-  "Larged signed subset sums", special session "Geometría Convexa", "VI Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME", León, 6/2/23 to 10/2/23.


- "Convexidad y L. Santaló", special session at the "II Encuentro Conjunto RSME-UMA", 12/12/22 to  16/12/22.

- "Discrete Mathematics Days 2020", Santander, 4/7/22 to 6/7/22.

- Congress "GeOmetry, AnaLysis & ConvExity", Sevilla, 20/6/22 to 24/6/22.

- XX Encuentros de Análisis Real y Complejo, Cartagena, 26/5/22 to 28/5/22. 

- Curso sobre Optimización Polinómica. (1) Introduction to the Moment-SOS hierarchy for polynomial optimization (Jean B. Lasserre), 15:30-17:00; (2) Exploiting sparsity and symmetries in polynomial optimization (Victor Magron), 17:30-19:00, Aula A-01 (Aulario Norte), U. Murcia, 18/5/22.

- "On basics of convex bodies and some geometric functionals", Seminar on Analysis, Physical Mathematics and Dynamical Systems, TU Dortmund, 1/2/22.

- "Extreme properties of radii functionals in generalized Minkowski spaces", Congreso bienal de la RSME, Convex Geometry session, Ciudad Real, 17/1/2022 to 21/1/22.


- "On optimal approximation of functions by log-polynomials", Online asymptotic geometric analysis seminar, 31/8/21.

- "The Golden ratio and high dimensional mean inequalities", Convex bodies - approximation and sections (MS - ID 61), European Congress of Mathematics, Portoroz (Slovenia), 20/06/21 to 26/06/21.

- "Matemáticas desentrañando el comportamiento del COVID-19", by Santi García Cremades, 18/03/21.

- "Higher dimensional arithmetic, harmonic, and other mean inequalities", Geometry Seminar, Szeged, 25/02/21.

- "Central diagonal sections of the n-cube", Video's talk, Analysis & PDE Seminar, Cardiff, 25/01/21. 

- "Secciones diagonales centrales del cubo n-dimensional",  Video's talk, Seminario Rubio de Francia, IUMA, Zaragoza, 14/01/21.


- "De la desigualdad de Brunn-Minkowski a la desigualdad isoperimétrica", Video's talk, PhD Seminar on "Geometría Convexa Moderna", Sevilla, 16/11/20.

- "Higher dimensional arithmetic, harmonic, and other mean inequalities", IMUS PhD Seminar, Sevilla, 27/10/20.

- "Geometría Convexa y Aspectos Relacionados", Congreso Jóvenes RSME2020, Castellón, 27/01/20 to 31/01/20.

 - Seminar on Discrete and Convex Geometric Analysis, IMUS, Uni Sevilla, 2019/20.


- "Zhang's inequality for log-concave functions", Convex, discrete and integral geometry, Jena (Germany), 16/09/19 to 20/09/19.

- "Asymptotic Geometric Analysis 2019 - Celebrating Vitali Milman's 80th birthday", Tel-Aviv and Dead Sea (Israel), 29/07/19 to 02/08/19.

- "On discrete and continuous quantitative Helly theorems", Discrete Geometry Days^2, Budapest (Hungary), 09/07/19 to 12/07/19.

- "On Hermite-Hadamard and Jensen inequalities", Asymptotic Geometric Analysis IV, St. Petersburg (Russia), 01/07/19 to 07/07/19.

- "Sobre desigualdades de tipo Hermite-Hadamard y Jensen ", Seminario Rubio de Francia, IUMA, Zaragoza, 6/06/19.

- "On extensions of Jensen and Hermite-Hadamard inequalities", Szeged (Hungary), 22/05/19 to 24/05/19. 

- "On quantitative Helly-Carathéodory-Radon theorems ", Seminario Rubio de Francia, IUMA, Zaragoza, 28/03/19.

- "On Hermite-Hadamard inequalities and some applications", Alicante, 12/03/19. 

- "On Hermite-Hadamard inequalities and some applications", XV Encuentro de la Red de Análisis Funcional y Aplicaciones, Bilbao, 07/03/19 to 08/03/19. 

- "On multidimensional Hermite-Hadamard inequalities", Seminar at EPFL, Lausanne, 20/02/19.

- "Análisis Geométrico Convexo", Congreso Bienal de la RSME-Santander 2019, Santander, 04/02/19 to 08/02/19.


- "Zhang's inequality for log-concave functions", XVI Encuentros de Análisis Funcional Murcia Valencia, Murcia, 13/12/18 to 15/12/18.

- "Discrete and Convex Geometric Analysis", II Joint Meeting Spain-Brazil in Mathematics, Cádiz, 11/12/18 to 14/12/18.

 - "On the dimension of the set of circumcenters", Seminar at TUM, Munich, 29/11/18.

- "On the uniqueness of circumcenters", XIII-Encuentro de Investigación en Teoría de Aproximación, Eita-2018, Calaceite, 19/10/18 to 21/10/18.

- "New perspectives on Convex Geometry", Castro Urdiales, Cantabria, 03/09/18 to 07/09/18. 

- "On reverse inequalities and Dvoretzky-Rogers volume bounds", "Asymptotic and Affine Geometric Analysis", Rio de Janeiro, 26/07/18 to 31/07/18.

- "Sobre las desigualdades isodiamétrica e isoanchomínima", Seminario del IMUS, Sevilla, 20/06/18.

- "Sobre la desigualdad inversa isodiamétrica",  Seminario Rubio de Francia, IUMA, Zaragoza, 24/05/18.

- "Einstein Conference on Discrete Geometry and Topology", FU Berlin, 13/03/18 to 16/03/18.


- "Volume estimates via volumes of sections and projections", Geometrietag, Magdeburg(Germany), 08/12/17 to 09/12/17.

- "On Rogers-Shephard type inequalities via marginal estimates of log-concave functions", 4º congreso de Jóvenes investigadores de la RSME, Valencia, 04/09/17 to 08/09/17.

- "Two Minkowski type theorems in the Geometry of Numbers", IV Encuentro conjunto RSME-SMM, Valladolid, 22/06/17.

- "On two theorems of Minkowski in the Geometry of Numbers", Convex, Discrete and Integral Geometry, BCC-IMPAN, 9/06/17.

- "Dos teoremas de tipo Minkowski en la Geometría de Números", UCM, 26/05/17.

- "Dos teoremas de tipo Minkowski en la Geometría de Números", CUD-AGA, 19/05/17.

- "Dos problemas de Minkowski en la Geometría de Números", Alicante, 23/02/17.