Sometimes, Absent-Mindedness and Confusion Isn’t a Symptom Of Dementia

A majority of people have a tendency to forget things and often they laugh them off, saying that they are having a senior moment or confessing that they have a lot on their mind. However, when a senior loved one starts to show indications of absent-mindedness, it isn’t surprising if we begin to wonder if this is an indication of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. But periods of absent-mindedness, confusion, or behavior changes are not always an indication of dementia. The issues could be rooted in something physical and curable – dedicated live in (24hr) home care in New Jersey for your loved one may provide the oversight they need to get back into shape.

Here are four states that can make someone to become absent-minded or confused:

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):

Urinary tract infections are normal for seniors, and may not display the same signs that somebody younger will. An elderly with a UTI may undergo fever, agitation, confusion, or even illusions. A straightforward course of antibiotics, liquids, and proper rest may absolutely overturn these signs.

Thyroid ailment:

Thyroid associated signs can include anxiety, forgetfulness, lethargy and depression – and it is projected that as many as fifteen million seniors have non-diagnosed thyroid ailment. A blood test and some medications are all required to clear this misconception.

Alcohol abuse:

As per Majid Fotuhi, initiator of NeurExpand Brain Center, alcohol abuse, even splurge drinking for a short period of time when you used to be young, ruins brain cells in sections important for memory and can lead to a persistent memory disorder afterward in life. This state can be reversed sometimes, but can be treated with proper care.

Lack of vitamins:

A lack of certain vitamins, especially B-12, can upshot in bewilderment, confusion, absent-mindedness, and other signs that emulate dementia. Sometimes, due to aging, seniors’ body becomes incapable to retain B-12 resulting in a state known as pernicious anemia. However, this issue is often treatable through regular injections or oral supplements.

These are a few instances of physical problems that could seem like Dementia in your loved one. At CareBridge Home Health Care, we understand that it requires dedicated New Jersey Live In (24hr) Care. Our qualified and sympathetic caregivers can help your loved one by offering them quality care giving that they need. We can also schedule an in-home evaluation to check the level of attention that would be most appropriate for your loved one. For any further inquiry about our live-in (24hr) care services, feel free to reach us at .

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