Internet Security

Internet security

Internet security refers to the measures taken to protect computer systems, networks, and information transmitted over the internet from unauthorized access, theft, damage, or disruption.

Internet security includes a range of technologies, practices, and policies designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of digital information. Some of the key components of internet security include:

Overall, internet security is an essential aspect of protecting the privacy and security of personal and sensitive information transmitted over the internet.

Our Services

A through examination of your computer system can take two or three hours, to check, update and make secure risker configurations of your set up.

Essentially, helping you to stay safe and enjoy your computer.

Anti-virus installation from £95.00 supplied and installed.

 Tips And Suggestions

Virus Protection

Do not click on links within an e-mail. This may download Malware, Ransomeware, or viruses from a website
Do not click on a link inside a pop-up window. Clicking on the link may install a virus on your computer.
Do not open email attachments before checking the source, even if it appears to come from someone you know.
97 percent of people who received a virus through an e-mail attachment got it from someone they knew.

Call or email us anytime.

31 Geveze Way, Broughton Astley
Leicestershire, LE9 6HJ
Mobile: 07941 563 279
