Family (연구실 가족들)

- 함께 연구할 학부인턴, 대학원생, 포스닥을 모집하고 있습니다.

*관심있는 분은 로 문의 주세요.

- We are seeking highly motivated undergraduate, graduate students, and Post-docs.

*Please contact Prof. Kim (email: if you are interested in a position with the group   

 *POST-DOC (박사후 연구원)

dr. Dong Won kim 

(Ph D., Seoul national university) 

Perovskite Solar Cells & Photodetectors

*Graduate Students (대학원생)         

윤상은, Sang Eun Yoon 

Organic Molecular Doping & Thermoelectric Devices    

신소정, So jeong Shin 

Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells

은형주, Hyeong Ju Eun 

Organic & QD NIR Photodetectors

(2023.02 ~ 2023.09 Visiting @ UCSD Lab in USA

for Organic Photodetector Research Colloaboration)

전경국, Gyeong guk jeon

Perovskite Solar Cells 

(2023.05 Visiting 

@ Maquarie Univ. & UNSW Labs in Australia for Perovskite PV  Research Collaboration)

전혜원, Hye won chun 

Perovskite Solar Cells

최민준, min jun Choi 

Perovskite Solar Cells

박범두, Bumdoo park 

GaAs Solar Cells for Space Applications  

이아영, Ah-young Lee 

Organic & QD NIR Photodetectors

이은혜, EuN hye Lee 

Functional Dye Synthesis for Color Filters & Color PR

조나영, na young cho 

Functional Dye Synthesis for Chemosensors

손지연, ji yeon son 

Organic & QD NIR Photodetectors

(2024.05 - 2024.10 Visiting 

@ IMEC & KU Leuven lab in belgium

for QD-Photodetector Collaboration)

이동현, dong hyun lee 

Perovskite Solar Cells

박선영, Sun young park 

Functional Dye Synthesis for Color Filters & Color PR

신상훈, sang hoon shin 

Molecular Doping of Organic Semiconductors

남양훈, yang hoon Nam 

Molecular Doping of Organic Semiconductors

조광일, Gwang il cho 

Molecular Doping of Organic Semiconductors

곽희진, Hee jin kwak 

Organic Photodetectors

배인호, In ho bae 

Perovskite Solar Cells


*Undergraduate Interns (학부연구인턴)

윤지혜, Ji hye yoon 

Organic Photodetectors

김경민, kyeong min kim

Molecular Doping of Organic Semiconductors