Virtus Traning

Do I have to be VIRTUS® trained?

By the policy established by the Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, anyone involved in any activity, run by the parishes of the Catholic Church within the Diocese, must be VIRTUS® trained. This includes clergy, lay ministers, staff, committee members, coaches, and volunteers. The pastor of Holy Family Parish and its trustees have accepted and adopted this policy, and so it applies to all of us. Because of historical reasons, all volunteers must also be background checked to ensure there is no risk from any prior criminal history.

Therefore, if you want to help out at the Holy Festival, and we want everyone to join us, the standing policy is that you MUST BE VIRTUS® trained and background checked.

Here is some brief information about the program. The program details, registration, training sessions, forms, etc. can be found at VIRTUS® Online website.

What are the VIRTUS® programs?

VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote "rightdoing" within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.

Who created the VIRTUS programs?

The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. (National Catholic) created the programs. Monsignor Kevin McCoy, past board chairman of National Catholic, asked whether child sexual abuse could be prevented and, if so, how? In March of 1998, National Catholic invited prominent national experts—experts in many disciplines—to discuss these questions at a forum in Washington, D.C. From those discussions, the initiative for the VIRTUS programs was created. The National Catholic Board of Directors selected an Ad Hoc Committee to oversee development of the programs. The Ad Hoc Committee was assisted by a steering committee of nationally known experts and program and service providers.

Why did National Catholic select VIRTUS as the brand name for the programs?

The word virtus derives from Latin, and means valor, moral strength, excellence, and worth. In ancient times, virtus denoted a way of life and manner of behavior that always aspired to the highest, most positive attributes of people and aspects of human interaction.