Publications and Abstracts


Kennard, Holly J. 2022. ‘Transmission of Breton among immersion school students: the impact of home language’ in Michael Hornsby & Wilson McLeod (eds.) Transmitting minority languages: complementary reversing language shift strategies (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan) 247-275


Kennard, Holly J. 2021. ‘Variation in Breton word stress: new speakers and the influence of French’ Phonology 38(3): 363-399


Lahiri, Aditi & Holly J. Kennard. 2020. ‘The Indian subcontinent’ in Carlos Gussenhoven & Aoju Chen (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 316-331


Kennard, Holly J. & Aditi Lahiri. 2020. ‘Nonesuch phonemes in loanwords’ Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences 58(1): 83-108


Lahiri, Aditi & Holly J. Kennard. 2019. ‘Pertinacity in loanwords: Same underlying systems, different outputs’ in Michela Cennamo (ed.) Historical Linguistics 2015: Selected papers from the 22nd International Congress of Historical Linguistics, Naples 27-31 July (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company) 58-74

Kennard, Holly J. 2019. 'Morphosyntactic and morphophonological variation in Breton: a cross-generational perspective' Journal of French Language Studies 29(2): 235-263

Kennard, Holly J. 2018. ‘Non-negative word order in Breton: maintaining verb second’ Transactions of the Philological Society 116(2): 153-178

Kennard, Holly J. 2018. ‘Verbal lenition among young speakers of Breton: acquisition and maintenance’  in Michael Hornsby, Máiréad Moriarty, Cassie Smith-Christmas and Noel Ó Murchadha (eds.) New Speakers of Minority Languages: Linguistic Ideologies and Practices (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan) 231-252

Kennard, Holly J. and Aditi Lahiri. 2017. 'Mutation in Breton verbs: pertinacity across generations' Journal of Linguistics 53(1): 113-145

Kennard, Holly J. and Aditi Lahiri. 2015. 'Maintenance of the Breton mixed mutation' in The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (ed.) Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Glasgow: University of Glasgow). Paper number: 607.

Kennard, Holly J. 2014. ‘The persistence of verb-second in negative utterances in Breton’ Journal of Historical Linguistics 4(1): 1-39

Conference Presentations

‘Variation in Breton initial consonant mutation: cross-generational insights’ Morpho-Phonological Variation in Nantes, 17th January 2020

'Lenition and spirantisation in Breton: variability in mutation patterns across age-groups’ XVIth International Congress of Celtic Studies Bangor University, 22nd-26th July 2019

‘The interaction of gender and mutation in Breton: a cross-generational perspective’ 10th Celtic Linguistics Conference University of Maynooth, 4th-5th September 2018

‘Variation in Breton stress patterns: monosyllabic stress shift’ Typologi ar Brezhoneg Quimper, 19th-20th June 2018

‘Grammatical gender and initial consonant mutation in young speakers’ Breton: production and perception’ 7èmes Rencontres de l’Institut Supérieur des Langues de la République Française Quimper, 24th-25th March 2018

‘Changes in Breton stress patterns: the case of monosyllabic nouns’ New Approaches to Brittonic Historical Linguistics, DIAS, 31st August-1st September 2017

‘French influence on word stress among new speakers of Breton’ 15èmes Rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie, Université Grenoble Alpes, 5th-7th July 2017

‘Lexical stress in new speakers’ Breton: production and perception’ 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Limerick, 11th-15th June 2017

‘French influence in Breton stess patterns: a cross-generational perspective’ 25th Manchester Phonology Meeting Manchester, 25th-27th May 2017 [Poster presentation]

'Cross generational differences in Breton word stress' 9th Celtic Linguistics Conference Cardiff University, 1st-2nd September 2016

'Nonesuch contrasts via loanwords' 2nd Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology University of Edinburgh, 3rd-4th December 2015 [Poster presentation]

'Maintenance of the Breton mixed mutation' 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Glasgow 10th-14th August 2015 [Poster presentation]

‘Impersonal verbs across two generations of Breton speakers’ XV International Congress of Celtic Studies University of Glasgow, 13th-17th July 2015

'The use of verbal mutation across two generations of Breton speakers' New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, 20th-22nd November 2014

‘Breton word order in matrix clauses: evidence from two generations of speakers’ 8th Celtic Linguistics Conference University of Edinburgh, 6th-7th June 2014 [Poster presentation]

‘Word order across two generations of Breton speakers’ Oxford-Cambridge Celtic Colloquium University of Cambridge, 19th May 2012

‘The acquisition of verbal mutation among younger Breton-speakers’ Language, History and Language History Among the Celts and their Neighbours: a conference in honour of Professor Thomas Charles-Edwards on the occasion of his retirement Jesus College, Oxford, 11th-12th November 2011

‘Children’s use of the mixed mutation in Breton’ XIV International Congress of Celtic Studies NUI Maynooth, 1st-5th August 2011

‘Negative word-order patterns among Breton-speaking adults and children’ 85th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America Pittsburgh PA, 6th-9th January 2011

Invited Talks

‘Perspectives on Breton stress: usage, phonology and the prosodic word’ Atelier de phonologie, Université de Paris 8, 5th October 2022

‘The adaptation of loanwords in Breton: stress, gender and morphology’ University of Arizona Linguistics Colloquium, 14th January 2022

‘Variability in Breton gender and mutation: the impact of language decline and revitalisation on morphophonology’ General Linguistics Seminar Oxford 24th May 2021

‘Variation in Breton grammatical gender and initial consonant mutation across “new” and “traditional” speakers’ Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics II, University of Arizona, 14th May 2021

‘Le genre grammatical en breton : la variation intergénérationelle’ Université de Rennes II, 21st January 2020

‘“New” and “Old” speakers of Breton in the 21st Century: insights from morphophonology’ 3rd Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium NUI Galway, 16th-17th November 2018

'The transmission gap in Breton: syntax and phonology' General Linguistics Seminar University of Oxford, 14th November 2016