WNJCS report to HPC Feb 2014


Report from Philip Pomeroy concerning the


as part of the of the


Local Plan proposed main modifications January 2014.


As advised to all Councillors in my email of 21st January 2014, the matter of proposed development adjacent to the A43 in the Moulton and Overstone area is extremely complex and becoming more so as we try to understand and evaluate what is going on.

Essentially, the overall proposals fall into five parts :-

  1. Northampton North SUE (1 & 2 on map below)

  2. Overstone Leys -2,000 dwellings (1 below)

  3. Overstone Leys extension – 1,500 dwellings (2 below)

  4. Future development (3 below)

  5. Moulton Heights (mostly speculative and not recommended by WNJPU – 4 below)

The status of these elements is confusing but, over time, we may need to consider each one in isolation and as a whole. At present, we need to respond to section 1

above – Northampton North SUE

Northampton North SUE (Sections 1 and 2 on page 1 map)

Under instructions from Central Government, large areas of the UK have been designated as expansion zones to satisfy the needs for housing and employment of a growing population.

Large areas of the Midland Counties, particularly Northamptonshire, are involved and the West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit are looking at potential sites in Northampton Borough, South Northants, Daventry and Brackley.

The Northampton North SUE is one of these sites and, although it is planned for the expanding needs of Northampton, it actually falls predominantly within Daventry District Council who will determine any detailed planning applications. Originally, the size of the selected site would have accommodated 2,000 dwellings plus the necessary support infrastructure and highway improvements. However, the Joint Strategic Planning Committee (JSPC) deemed it to be lacking in certain detail and asked for it to be resubmitted. Somewhere along the line the housing provision has been increased by 1,500 to 3,500 which enlarged the site to that outlined in sections 1 and 2 on the above map.

At the Development Implementation Working Group (DIWG) attended by Ann Carter and me on Friday, an assurance was given by David Farquar, Head of NCC Highways that all necessary highway improvements will be in place prior to all but 200 new dwellings being occupied. Details of these improvements do not appear to be accessible. It is, however, essential that the JSPC are aware of our concerns at an early stage. There is a draft response at the end of this report.

Overstone Leys (Sections 1 and 2 on page 1 map)

An outline planning application DA/2013/0850 dated 7th November 2013 has been submitted to Daventry District Council by Barrett Developments PLC and based on land marked section 1 above. Steve Ellis, the Planning Officer, advises me that he does not intend to place a report before the Planning Committee until a decision is made concerning the number of dwellings to be permitted – 2,000 or 3,500.

The outline planning application consists of 161 attached files. As with the SUE, this is more than I can possibly handle in detail. There is a site layout plan (left).

HPC will need to decide whether or not it wishes to become involved in a response to the detailed application which will have to include a highways and traffic management programme to be dictated by NCC. If so, it would be advisable to appoint a working group at some future date.

Future Developments (section 3 on page 1 map)

This whole scheme comes under a long term plan extending over 15 years to 2029 or longer and, at this stage, no preliminary work appears to have been carried out in relation to the development of section 3. It has, however, been designated for future development and we need to bear this in mind when considering how Holcot is going to be affected by the early stages of development in sections 1 and 2

Our recently formed association with the Development Implementation Working Group and Mike Warren will be of great assistance and we must pledge our continuing support and involvement in their work.

Moulton Heights (section 4 on page 1 map)

No formal planning application has been lodged with Daventry District Council and the scheme does not have the support of the WNJCS. Advanced publicity does not appear to specify the number of new dwellings envisaged but it is believed to be in the region of 2,000. A new secondary school and community facilities are included together with road improvements to the A43 and a link road from the A43 to Moulton College.

It is recommended that we do not get involved with this proposed development at this time.

Recommendations :-

    • HPC should respond to WNJCS proposal in relation to the Northampton North SUE by letter (as drafted below) and concentrating our concerns on the highway and traffic issues in relation to the A43, Round Spinney roundabout and the northern section of the Northampton bypass.

    • As advised in my email of 13th February, I am awaiting a copy of Moulton Parish Council’s response to the SUE consultation. This will not be available until Tuesday 18th February at the earliest. In order to submit our response by the closing date of 25th February, Philip Pomeroy requests that he be authorised under delegated powers to submit a response along lines approved by the meeting on 17th February 2014 but with any additional comments extracted from the Moulton PC response.

    • HPC should not respond to the planning application DA/2013/0850 at this stage. If it proceeds, the development will not be visible from Holcot and the effects will not be architectural but social and environmental particularly in terms of traffic levels and rat-running which we may wish to re-address. However, the detailed application will be conditional upon road and traffic provisions laid down by NCC and we must endeavour to ensure that we can clearly state our requirements within the promised consultation process. This can be discussed at a future date.

    • At some stage HPC may need to explore an application for funding under a section 106 agreement to alleviate problems caused by possible increased traffic flows through Holcot.

Draft response to Northampton North SUE

(Some changes of wording will be required depending on further advice and information yet to be received.)

Holcot Parish Council has carefully considered this very significant proposal and is of the view that insufficient attention has been addressed to the effects such a development will have on Holcot and the immediately adjacent villages of Moulton, Overstone and Sywell.

It is known and recognised that the existing A43 fails to handle the existing peak hour traffic. The cause of this failure is predominantly the Round Spinney roundabout and it is unrealistic to consider that improvements to the roundabout and an isolated short dual carriageway section of the A43 approaching the Round Spinney roundabout would solve the problem.

It would not even be a solution under the existing conditions and the increase in traffic levels from an additional 3,500 dwellings does not appear to have been accurately considered. As is usually the case, peak hour traffic meeting highway delays will seek alternative routes – rat-running. This is already proven by peak hour traffic regularly rat-running through Moulton, Holcot and Walgrave as a result of the development at Mawsley.

At a recent count, 36 large motor coach movements accessing Moulton College were recorded through Holcot on weekdays. On occasions, there is total gridlock as these coaches are unable to negotiate the narrow approaches to the crossroads.

If this significant development is to proceed, it is essential that the planning authorities clearly define the traffic management programme to include:-

    • The building of the northern section of the Northampton bypass (relief road) to link the A45 to the A43 with effective junctions to service the existing road network and provision of an access to Moulton College.

    • The restructuring of the Round Spinney roundabout to allow a clear grade separated and uninterrupted flow of peak hour traffic in the north/south directions to clear this existing bottleneck.

    • The building of a new dual carriageway section of the A43 from Round Spinney to beyond the Holcot/Sywell roundabout to allow all peak time traffic a clear route through or alongside the proposed SUE. This will almost certainly then require and additional dual carriageway section up to the A14.

    • The traffic provisions for the SUE would then have to be separately considered and integrated into the above improvements possible by utilising the old A43 as a service road and ensuring that the existing villages of Moulton, Overstone, Sywell and Holcot are protected from increased traffic movements and rat-running. Consultations need to be put in place to establish the highway linking of these villages to the dual carriageway A43. No direct link could be an option for discussion.

    • In the event of funding for the above improvements not being available, then proposals for the expansion development as envisaged in the Northampton North SUE should be shelved until such funding is available.