Hardrock-500 Power Amplifier Project

Now Accepting orders:

Hardrock-500 Amplifier Support Package:


AN-1819 Amplifier Deck with VRF2933 MOSFETS:


ATU-500 Internal Autotuner:


Finally, 5 Watts in - 500 Watts out with one amplifier!

Now you can build your own 500 watt power amplifier for your QRP transceiver or SDR and bust through pile-ups or work in difficult propagation.

For more information send an email to: info@HobbyPCB.com

For a look inside, feel free to check 'under the hood'.

Hardrock-500 features:

The FCC does not allow the commercial sale of power amplifiers that operate below 30MHz with gain in excess of 15 dB. The Hardrock-500 is a project that involves the purchase of two products; a HobbyPCB Hardrock-500 amplifier support package and an AN-1819 amplifier board made by RF Power Tools. Both products are available from HobbyPCB.com