I am a Microcontroller addict

My name is Debraj and I am an engineer by profession. Among other stuff that keep me busy, I am passionate about electronics/ software/ hardware.

This web site contains the "latest and greatest" electronic projects that I had developed in recent times. I have learnt quite a lot during my engineering studies, but I have acquired even greater experience while working with companies.

All the projects covered in this website were done at my home (during my free time) using tools and equipments, which are my personal possession. My intent of creating this website is to share my experience and learn more.

For any comments, please send to my mail --> debrajdeb[AT]yahoo[DOT]com

My videos on youtube: -


Note: - All information provided on this webpage are free and you can use them for your purpose. Only condition is that you have to provide a link to my webpage (as a courtesy).