Logic, Language, and Ontology

A workshop in honor of the 70th birthday of Toshiharu Waragai


The aim of this workshop is to discuss and exchange new ideas and recent developments related to the topics Toshiharu has been interested in throughout his career, including Leśniewski's logical systems and paraconsistent logics.

Date & Venue

  • Date: November 7--8, 2018.
  • Venue: North Building 3F "Conference Hall", Mita Campus, Keio University.



November 7:

09:30--10:30 Rafał Urbaniak "Potential Infinity, Leśniewskian Definitions, Arithmetic & Yablo sequences"

10:30--11:30 Kazushige Terui "Bot in nonclassical logics and proof theory"

11:30--13:00 Lunch

13:00--14:00 Katsuhiko Sano "Functional Weak-Completeness in Belnap-Dunn Logic and its Proof-Theoretic Merit"

14:00--15:00 Satoshi Tojo "Unsuccessful Communication"

15:00--15:30 Coffee break

15:30--16:30 Mitsuhiro Okada "Do we need a logical language for logic?"

16:30--17:30 Toshiharu Waragai "Non-reflexive Identity, Demonstratives, and Leśniewski's Ontology"

18:30-- Dinner

November 8:

09:00--10:00 Yasuo Deguchi "Self and Contradiction: a holistic self and its formalization"

10:00--11:00 Naoya Fujikawa "Mereology Meets Paraconsistency"

11:00--11:15 Coffee break

11:15--12:15 Makoto Kikuchi "Some topics on models of arithmetic and set theory"

12:15--13:15 Diderik Batens "The natural place of paraconsistent logics within a pluralist logical landscape"

13:30-- Lunch


This workshop is supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through grant 18K12183, as well as Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) Research Grant for fundamental research (萌芽的研究支援).


The workshop is organized by Keiichi Oyamada and Hitoshi Omori in cooperation with Global Research Center for Logic and Sensitivity, Keio University. For any inquiries, please write to Hitoshi at: hitoshiomori [at] gmail [dot] com.