Bochum Nonclassical Logic Workshop I


The aim of this workshop is to discuss and exchange new ideas and recent developments related to nonclassical logics, broadly construed, and its philosophical as well as historical issues.

Date & Venue

  • Date: February 4, 2020.
  • Venue: SSC 02/119, Ruhr University Bochum. (SSC building is located between UV and IAN of this map. Here is another map.)



10:00--11:00 Ryo Ito "The notion of dependence and the ramified hierarchy of types" [abstract]

11:00--11:15 Coffee

11:15--12:15 Daniel Skurt "On non-normal variants of FDE-based Modal Logics" [abstract]

12:15--13:15 Lunch

13:15--14:15 Guillermo Badia "Six maximality results for first-order logics based on finitely MTL-chains" [abstract]

14:15--15:15 Grigory Olkhovikov "Stit logic: beyond interpolation" [abstract]

15:15--15:30 Coffee

15:30--16:30 Libor Behounek "Multi-agent probabilistic-doxastic reasoning formalized in Lukasiewicz logic" [abstract]

16:30--17:30 Petr Cintula "Don't be afraid of infinitary logics" [abstract]


Bochum Nonclassical Logic Workshop I is supported by a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research.


The workshop is organized by Heinrich Wansing and Hitoshi Omori. For any inquiries, please write to Hitoshi at: Hitoshi [dot] Omori [at] rub [dot] de.