A Workshop on Paraconsistency


The aim of this workshop is to discuss and exchange new ideas and recent developments related to paraconsistent logic closely related to Nelson's system N4. 

Date & Venue



14:30--15:30 Jonas R. Becker Arenhart "Epistemic approaches to paraconsistency meet the Liar paradox"

15:30--16:30 Ederson Melo "Some notes on da Costa's dialetheism"

16:30--17:00 Break

17:00--18:00 Andreas Kapsner "Reflections on connexivity and constructivity"

18:00--19:00 Heinrich Wansing "Dialetheism versus Dimathematism"


This workshop is supported by a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research. 


The workshop is organized by Hitoshi Omori. For any inquiries, please write to Hitoshi at: Hitoshi [dot] Omori [at] rub [dot] de.