Industrial Revolution Invention Project

Industrial Revolution Display project

You are assigned to research an important inventor or innovation (“something newly invented or a new way of doing things.”) during the Industrial Revolution. After gathering resources you will then create a display on that topic. The following are requirements for the project.

Requirements & Guidelines

• You need to review your textbook and research materials to figure out what belongs in your topic. For example, if you are assigned “Wright Brothers & airplane” you need to figure out where in the book that topic is covered and what search terms you might use. Make a list. Use that to do research in the library.

• Your display should describe the basic characteristics of the topic(s). But feel free to go beyond the basics and provide some interesting details.

• Any new or unfamiliar terms should be defined.

• You should include the historical importance or significance of your topic(s). Try to answer the question, “Why was this important?” or “What changed and how because of this?”

• You must include primary sources. These should have a label or be identified. What is it, and if possible, where did it come from?

Primary sources would be things like:

* Old letters * Quotes from books or documents written at that time

* Newspapers * Pictures printed at that time in newspapers or books

* Advertisements! * Photographs of artifacts from that time, like an old

* Old maps bed, or an old dress or hat, or an old house.

You can also include secondary sources like new maps, modern drawings, quotes from textbooks or websites.

• Your display should be 3-dimensional or able to stand up. Design and neatness count!

Suggested layout for project


Person’s background and motivation

This part should explain the inventor’s personal history a bit and why did they want to create or change the thing they did?

This would explain the historical background of this invention or person.


The Invention or Innovation

Show and describe what the invention or innovation was.

(remember innovation

= “something newly invented or a new way of doing things.”)


Change or impact

How did America or life for people change because of this invention?

How did this person change their industry or field of work?