
Sparta Community News

Volume 21, Number 1       2025-01-10

Sparta’s web site

The Newsletter

Newsletters will be available in the Village Market. If you have any news or announcements please let us know. It is published in January, May, and September. Feedback is always welcomed. We can email it to anyone interested if you provide us with your email. Contact us at

Family Fun Night

Pot luck supper and games at the Sparta Church Museum on Saturday, March 1 at 6:00 pm. Bring one item of food to share, your own plates, cutlery and mug as well as a serving utensil for your food. There will be crokinole for all ages plus card and board games. If you have a favourite board game, please bring it. This is a community event and all are welcome.

Learn to Paint Watercolours

Gwen VanderHayden is offering a water colour painting day at the hall and kids are welcome. She will provide everything you need. You will complete a painting in 2 hours. Class is Saturday, January 25 and the afternoon is already filled but there is room in the 10:00 class for up to 8 students. The cost is $30 with $20 going to support our hall. Sign up at Pay in cash the day of the class.

Beginners Machine Sewing Classes

Yvonne Taylor is offering lessons on sewing with a machine. This is open to anyone 8 years old and up. Times and dates will be set to accommodate you when you sign up. It is advisable to have a working sewing machine. We have two that can be used if you do not yet have a machine. Call Yvonne to register at 519-281-6718.

International Women's Day

We are hosting a luncheon and skits on Saturday, March 8 to celebrate International Women's Day at the Sparta Church Museum. Cost is $40 and includes a lunch of quiche, salad, marinated carrots, home made bread, maple pudding chomeur, and coffee and tea. Following lunch, a group of actors from London will be performing skits about the history of women's rights in Canada. For tickets call Sally Martyn, 519-775-2292.

Vendors Market

Sunday, May 25 at the Sparta Community Hall. Check web site for hours All funds raised will go towards the new skate park. If you have items you wish to sell, call Carly at 519-775-2613 to arrange a table.

Historical High Tea and Fashion Show

Saturday, May 31 from 2:00 to 4:00. See web site for more details and to purchase tickets.

Christmas Decorating Contest

Congratulations to Alex Williams for the incredible Gnome display in front of the Robson Studio. He outdid everyone. Thanks Alex and welcome to the community.

Painting our Community Hall

We are painting the main upstairs room at the hall. Garth Johnston generously purchased the paint at a discount for us and will be coordinating the painting. Date to be determined. If you want to help as a painter call Francie or Garth at 519-775-2731.

Skate Park

The Higgins have made great progress on the park which will be for skates, blades, scooters, bikes and of course skate boards and have sections for all levels. It will be situated in the parking lot behind the community hall. They have arranged for some professional help at no labour cost. Donations are being sought as well as fund raising activities as supplies will be about $40,000. There will be a Vendors market (see separate section) as well as a summer event. If you want to get involved with this project contact Matt at (519-702-1998) to find out how you can help.

Fire Pit at Hall

The scouts and their leaders built a great fire pit at the back of the hall that is used by all our scouting groups and could be used by the public if they request permission and sign a waiver exempting the Community Society from liability. Call Pam Helmer if you have a group that would like to use the pit area. 519-775-2613.

Baseball for Fun

If you have children interested in just getting together to pay ball please call Darryl Roberts at 519-521-8887.

Family Fun Day

Watch for notice of the date for this year on web site and in May newsletter.

Scouting News

We have 54 children in the scouting groups. They participated in the Remembrance Day service in Port Stanley and put a float in the Dicken's Day Parade, winning best youth float. Their food drive brought in less food this year and far too many items that were beyond best date.

Hall Rental

We have a great space to rent for any gathering you are hosting. We have re-established our stage in the upper hall, have a certified kitchen, air conditioning and chair lifts and a fully accessible lower entrance and washrooms. See the end of the newsletter for how to book the hall and costs. PAL insurance is needed if Alcohol is served.

Thank You

Special thanks once again to Rick Curtis who has mowed our lawns for many years. His work is so much appreciated. Also to our Beaver, Cub and Scout leaders who faithfully serve the children of our community.

Regular Events at the Community Hall

Sparta Stitchers meet every Tuesday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the hall to quilt, knit, crotchet, tat, smock, embroider, etc. Cost is $5.00 per session which is considered a donation and receives an income tax receipt. Come learn a new skill or just bring whatever you want to work on and have a good time visiting with your fellow stitchers. Call Sally Martyn (519-775-2292) for more information or just show up.

Scouts, Cubs, Beavers

Wednesday: 6:30 to 8:00 Beavers

Wednesday: 6:30 to 8:00 Cubs

Thursday: 6:30 to 8:00 and some Saturdays Scouts

Sparta Community Society

Please come and join us for our next meeting on Monday, April 28 at 7:00.

Community Society Executive

President: Pam Helmer (519-775-2613)

Secretary: Yvonne Campbell

Treasurer: Ron Molyneux

Director at Large: Yvonne Taylor

Hall Coordinator: Sally Martyn

The Sparta Community Hall is available for rent. We have a certified kitchen, are fully accessible and air conditioned. The cost schedule is as follows: $50/hour, $150 for half day, $225 for full day and $300 if alcohol is served. Repeat users get a discount. Call Sally Martyn at 519-775-2292 to make your reservation.