Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics

Install matlab on your own PC by referring to the following link.

Install Dynare on you own PC from the following link before the lecture on RBC model 2.

 10/ 3  : Optimazation problem [Slide] [Quiz] [Solution]

 10/ 6  : Solow-Swan model [Slide] [Quiz] [Solution]

 10/10 : Ramsey model 1 [Slide]

 10/13 : Ramsey model 2 [Slide]

 10/17 : Ramsey model 3 [Slide] [Quiz] [Solution]

 10/20 : Class is cancelled.

 10/24 : Shooting Algorithm [Code1] [Code2]

 10/31 : Dynamic programming [Slide]

 11/ 7  : No Lecture

 11/10 : No Lecture

 11/14 : RBC model 1 [Slide] 

 11/17 : RBC model 2 [Slide] [Dynare code] [Quiz] [Solution]

 11/21 : NK model [Slide] [Dynare code] [Quiz] [Solution]

 11/24 : Q&A session via Zoom

 11/28 : Final exams

McCandless, G., 2008. The ABCs of RBCs - An Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomic Models-, Harvard University Press.

Romer, G., 2018. Advanced Macroeconomics (fifth edition), McGraw-Hill College.