Short CV

Academic Postings

Berea College, Adjunct Professor, Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

Berea College, Visiting Assistant Professor,  Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

Berea College, Visiting Instructor, Fall 2017 - Summer 2019

University of Kentucky, Visiting Lecturer and Coordinator for MA 162, Fall 2015 - Spring 2017

University of Kentucky, Teaching Postdoc, Fall 2014 - Spring 2015

Centre College, Visiting Instructor, Fall 2012

University of Kentucky, Graduate TA Instructor, Spring 2008 - Summer 2014  

Eastern Kentucky University, Graduate Assistant, Spring 2003 - Spring 2004

    Graduate Fellow in ISMAM Program, a GK-12 NSA grant program

    (Inquiry-Based Science and Mathematics in Appalachian Middle Schools)  

Berea College, Teaching Assistant to Dr. Deborah Martin, Fall 2001 - Spring 2002

Courses Taught with Berea College

(all Berea courses managed with the LMS: Moodle)

MAT 104:  Introduction to Statistics

MAT 115:  College Algebra

MAT 135:  Calculus I

MAT 225:  Calculus II

MAT 315:  Fundamentals Concepts of Math

MAT 436:  Topology

Courses Taught with University of Kentucky

(Some of these were organized with the LMS Canvas, see MA 162 below)

MA 109o:  College Algebra online

MA 109:  College Algebra

MA 111:  Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics

MA 114:  Calculus II

MA 137:  Calculus I for Life Sciences

MA 138:  Calculus II for Life Sciences

MA 162:  Finite Math & Its Applications

MA 201:  Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers I

MA 202:  Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers II

MA 213:  Calculus III

MA 214:  Differential Equations

MA 322:  Matrix Algebra and Its Applications

Also served as a graduate student leader with the Math Excel Program.


Ph.D. Algebraic Topology, May 10, 2014

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Thesis Advisor: Serge Ochanine

Thesis topic: Spin Cobordism Classes and Quasitoric Manifolds

M.S. General Mathematics, July 22, 2004

Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY

B.A. Liberal Arts: Math and Theatre Majors, May 12, 2002

Berea College, Berea, KY

Full CV available by request.  Please email hinescm "at" gmail "dot" com.