What do your donations buy?

Classroom Funds: All teachers receive an annual budget of $1,000 to $2,500 to spend how they see fit for their classroom. This includes books, learning materials, technology and field trips.

Para-educators: To support each grade level, the PTO supplements BVSD funding to secure additional para-educator time. This includes one para-educator salary and pays for extra staff hours, providing our teachers with critical classroom assistance.

The School Resource Account (SRA): This fund directly fills a budget gap left by BVSD cuts in 2010 and covers essential operating costs that pay for the basics: paper, copier rentals, toner, custodial supplies, maintenance, software licensing, etc.

Community Building and Education Programs: The school yearbook, our Welcome Picnic, the Bear Creek Carnival, Lip Sync, Science Nights, Earth Day, Car-Free Commuting, the Bear Creek Garden, School-wide Assemblies and Teacher Appreciation Days are sponsored and paid for by the PTO.

Capital Improvements: This includes technology, equipment for music and fitness programs, and improvements to outdoor areas.

Library Fund: Books and learning aides for your children are added and updated every year.