Hilldale Water District
Hilldale Water District
4326 Lee Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180
601-636-8475 Office
601-636-1700 Fax
Directions | Services and Fees | Detecting Water Leaks | Conserving Water
'HWD-certificated-area' is not blessed with the best underground water source supply, in that our raw water is highly concentrated with dissolved mineral solids. These source-water challenges have been vigorously addressed. In 1993, HWD installed the first of two Electro Dialysis Reversal (EDR) Units, as a much needed additional treatment process. The EDRs are designed to remove excess dissolved mineral solids. The additional advanced treatment provided by the EDR units has greatly improved the quality of water and has also prolonged the life of many residential hot water heaters and icemakers, as well as improved the flow through our distribution lines. The customers, especially those with HWD since the early years, were more than pleased with the additional EDR treatment.
During 1998, HWD started reclaiming the water used in the backwashing of the pressure filters process. This reclaimed water is allowed to settle in a 20,000 gallon tank. After clarification the supernatant water is recycled into the ground storage. The remaining sludge (primarily iron oxides) is then drained into a HWD specially-designed drying bed. The sludge is allowed to effectively air-dry. Then it is physically removed, properly stored and then annually transported for disposal at an approved disposal facility. It is believed that this HWD-designed treatment process is the first of its kind, at least in Mississippi.
HWD implemented the use of hand held computer meter readers and accompanying billing system in 1999. These devices have improved the accuracy of the monthly meter readings and have made the billing process more efficient and accurate. Since 2002, HWD has added a 200,000 gallon elevated tank, four new wells and an automated Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control system.
Today, HWD features state-of-art automated process controls, appreciable wells and storage, novel treatment processes, power-outage-assured distribution of high quality potable water consistently delivered on-demand to customers/owners. Postured with 400,000 gallons of elevated storage and nearly 200,000 gallons in ground storage, and with eight wells supplying two advanced treatment plants, HWD is positioned to more than consistently supply its 1775 customers with high quality potable water. Even with this capacity and well-thought and design-engineered water treatment and distribution capabilities, HWD continues to improve, innovate, and effectively complete short, mid-term and long range plans as scheduled and as budgeted. The latest customer approved projections, for the Year 2020, are being planned, designed, initiated and some even implemented now.
Several severe ice storms in the 1990's, caused HWD to lose electrical power and pipes at the treatment plants to freeze, thus total loss of ability to supply water to its customers. HWD recognized the need for backup electric power generators. Soon afterward, backup power generators were added to keep the water flowing during any emergency outage. After another severe ice storm and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the generators more than paid for the investment. It has been very re-assuring to Hilldale and to its customers that loss of water supply and water pressure due to power outages is in the past.
Call before you dig- Mississippi One Call 1-800-227-6477 (Toll-free), 601-362-4374 (Jackson)