Complaints Procedure

We aim to provide the highest quality education and care for all our children. We aim to offer a welcome to each individual child and family and to provide a warm and caring environment within which all children can learn and develop as they play.

We believe children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. Our intention is to work in partnership with parents and the community generally and we welcome suggestions on how to improve our group at any time.

Making concerns known

  • A parent who is unhappy about any aspect of our provision should first of all talk over their concerns with the manager. Most complaints should be resolved informally at this initial stage.

  • If the complaint is not resolved it needs to be formalised, put in writing and given to the manager.

  • If the parents and the setting cannot reach agreement, it might be helpful to invite an external mediator, one who is acceptable to both parties, to listen to both sides and offer advice. A mediator has no legal powers but can help to clarify the situation.

  • If mediation is not acceptable or does not have a satisfactory outcome or if the problem persists the parent should put their concerns or complaint in writing to Ofsted or to the Local Authority for investigation.

The role of the registering authority

In some circumstances, it will be necessary to bring in the local authority registration and inspection unit, who have a duty to ensure laid down requirements are adhered to. The registering authority would be involved if a child appeared to be at risk or where there seemed to be a possible breach of registration requirements. In these cases both parent and setting would be informed and there would be a proper investigation of the complaint followed by appropriate action. We believe that most complaints can be sorted out at an early stage. We also believe that it is in the best interests of the setting and parents that complaints should be taken seriously and dealt with fairly and in a way which respects confidentiality

Who to contact to seek advice or express concerns about a child’s welfare:

Hoppers DSL


NSPCC C. P. Help line

National Child line

Cheshire Police

Family Information Service

01270 878205

0300 123 5012

0808 800 5000

0800 1111

0845 458 0000

0300 123 5033


0300 123 123 1

If you have any concerns regarding the care of your child or the group, and you are not sure who to contact, please telephone Ofsted on the above number and they will advise you what to do next.