September 2015-Current  Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board

- August 2018 - Current : Current Macroeconomic Conditions section

- September 2015 - July 2018 : Labor Market section

2004 – 2009                    Bank of Korea

- Research Department: Inflation Forecasting

- Monetary Policy Committee Division

- International Department: Research on exchange rates/capital flows 


2024 - Current :  Member, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth (CRIW) in  National Bureau of Economic Research 

2021 : The H.O. Stekler Research Program on Forecasting (Review the BLS' methods of employment projection)

2019 : Ad-hoc member of Michgan Technological University's Graduate Faculty (Department of Mathematical Sciences)


Macroeconomics, Labor market, Time series econometrics, Forecasting, Nowcasting


2009 – 2015                         Ph. D. in Economics, University of California, San Diego (Advisor: James D. Hamilton)

2010                                    M.A. in Economics, University of California, San Diego

2004                                    B.A. in Business Administration, Seoul Nat’l University, Magna Cum Laude


Fall 2009- Spring 2015               Teaching Assistant, UCSD

- Undergraduate Level                Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Economic Stabilization, Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing, Public Policy

- Graduate Level                        Behavioral Finance (Master in finance/ MBA)


2023                                                2023 Division Director Award (R&S Division, Federal Reserve Board)

2020                                                Award (R&S Division, Federal Reserve Board) for the exceptional contributions during the Covid-19 crisis.

2009-2015                                 Tuition Scholarship, Department of Economics, UCSD

Summer 2012-2014                            Summer Research Grant, UCSD

Winter 2013-Spring 2013             Cphil Fellowship, UCSD

2012                                          Seoul National University Alumni Association Scholarship

Winter 2012                               Clive Granger Research Fellowship, UCSD

2010, 2011                                Summer Graduate Research Fellowship, UCSD

2008                                         Governor’s Prize for the outstanding staff, Bank of Korea

2006                                         2nd place, Research Competition 2006, Bank of Korea “Korean Inflation Dynamics: From the approach of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve”  (Coauthored with Jin Hyuk Yoo)

1999-2003                                 Tuition Scholarship, Seoul National University


“Heterogeneity and Unemployment Dynamics,” (2020) with James D. Hamilton, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

“The Cyclicality of On-the-job Search Effort” (2021) with Ling Shao, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics.

“Measuring Labor-Force Participation and the Incidence and Duration of Unemployment,” (2022) with James D. Hamilton, Review of Economic Dynamics.

“The Role of Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Duration of Unemployment,” (2022) Journal of Applied Econometrics

“A New Indicator of Common Wage Inflation,” (2023) with Han Chen and Michael Kister, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking

"Duration Structure of Unemployment Hazards and the Trend Unemployment Rate," (2023) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 


“Common Inflation Expectations,” (2020)  with Chad Fulton, FEDS notes.

“A New Indicator of Common Wage Inflation,” (2020)  with Han Chen and Michael Kister, FEDS notes.

“Factors in Unemployment Dynamics,” (2019)  with James D. Hamilton, FEDS notes.

“Recent Global Carry Trades and Implication on Monetary Policy,” (2009) (coauthored with Seung Ho Lee) : appeared in the first chapter of "Anaysis and Implication of Global Carry Trades (2009)", Bank of Korea

“Korean Inflation Dynamics: From the approach of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve,” (2006) (coauthored with Jin Hyuk Yoo): 2nd Place, appeared in "Awarded papers from the Bank of Korea Research Competition 2006"

“The Effects of Market Concentration on Inflation and Output,” (2004) (coauthored with Seung Won Kim) Monthly Bulletin, Bank of Korea, 2004.5


Matlab, R, SAS, STATA, GAUSS, RATS, E-views, Latex, Dynare, MS-SQL Server


Member: American Economic Association, Econometric Society, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth in NBER. 

Referee: American Economic Review, American Economic Journal--Macroeconomics, American Economic Journal--Insight, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economic Dynamics, International Economic Review, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Applied Econometrics, B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Economic Journal. 


"Labor Market Dynamics and the Macroeconomy: Theory and Evidence" at the Federal Reserve Board (May 18th-19th, 2017)

"First DC Search and Matching Workshop" at the Federal Reserve Board (April 11st-12nd, 2019)

LAST UPDATED: 01/14/2024.

A door in spring. taken by JW. @ Haenam in Korea