I'm a professor in the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond. My research focuses on political philosophy, applied ethics, Buddhist philosophy, and pedagogy. Feel free to email me if you want to read any of my writing that you can't access. You can reach me at hidalgoj@gmail.com. Here is my CV.
Work on Political Philosophy & Applied Ethics
"Only Libertarianism Can Provide a Robust Justification for Open Borders" with Christopher Freiman, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (link)(pdf)
"Open Borders" (pdf)
"The Ethics of Resisting Immigration Law" Philosophy Compass (link)(pdf)
Unjust Borders: Individuals and the Ethics of Immigration (Routledge, 2018) (link) (introduction to the book). Email if you want to read more of it.
The Libertarian Case for Open Borders" (pdf)
"Cosmopolitan Moral Enhancement" (pdf)
"The Ethics of People Smuggling," Journal of Global Ethics (link)(pdf)
"The Duty to Disobey Immigration Law," Moral Philosophy and Politics (link)(pdf)
"Liberalism or Immigration Restrictions, But Not Both," with Christopher Freiman, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (link)(pdf)
"The Missing Evidence in Favor of Restricting Emigration," Journal of Medical Ethics (link)
"The Case for the International Governance of Immigration," International Theory (link)(pdf)
"Selling Citizenship: A Defense," Journal of Applied Philosophy (link)(pdf)
"Resistance to Unjust Immigration Restrictions," Journal of Political Philosophy (link)(pdf)
"Immigration Restrictions and the Right to Avoid Unwanted Obligations," Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (link)
"Self-Determination, Immigration Restrictions, and the Problem of Compatriot Deportation," Journal of International Political Theory (link) (pdf)
"Do Employers Have Obligations to Pay Their Workers a Living Wage?" Business Ethics Journal Review (link)
"Associative Duties and Immigration" The Journal of Moral Philosophy (link) (pdf)
"Defending the Active Recruitment of Health Workers: A Response to Commentators" Journal of Medical Ethics (link) (pdf)
"The Active Recruitment of Health Workers: A Defense" Journal of Medical Ethics (link)
"Why Restrictions on the Immigration of Health Workers are Unjust" Developing World Bioethics (link) (pdf)
"Freedom, Immigration, and Adequate Options" Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (link) (pdf)
"An Argument for Guest Worker Programs" Public Affairs Quarterly (link) (pdf)
Papers on Buddhist Philosophy & Related
"Parfitian or Buddhist Reductionism? Revisiting a Debate About Personal identity," Asian Journal of Philosophy (link)(pdf)
"Buddhist Ethics as a Path: A Defense of Normative Gradualism," Philosophy East and West (link)(pdf)
"An Abhidharmic Theory of Welfare," Asian Philosophy (link)(pdf)
"You Survive Teletransportation," Think (pdf)
"Why Practice Philosophy as a Way of Life?" Metaphilosophy (link)(pdf)
"Empty or Emergent Persons? A Critique of Buddhist Personalism," Comparative Philosophy (link)(pdf)
"Buddhist Error Theory" Journal of Value Inquiry (pdf)
"A Dilemma for Buddhist Reductionism," Philosophy East and West (link)(pdf)
"Political Leadership and the Struggle for Tibet, 1951-1959" in Case Studies in Political Leadership (pdf)
"Buddhist Global Consequentialism" (unpublished)
"Teaching Critical Thinking with the Personalized System of Instruction," Teaching Philosophy (pdf)(link)
Using Checklists to Improve College Teaching
Promoting Student Learning in My Course: A Checklist
Designing a Learning-Focused Syllabus
How to Write An Argumentative Essay
Reflections on Teaching Critical Thinking
Teaching Critical Thinking with Argument Mapping and Mastery Learning
Mastery Learning and Argument Mapping in the Classroom
Mastering Critical Thinking: A Website with Resources for Teaching Critical Thinking with Argument Mapping and Mastery Learning
"Reacting to the Past as Education for Leadership" Interdisciplinary Journal of Leadership Studies (link)
Public Philosophy
Why Philosophy As A Way of Life Must Be Interdisciplinary
The Libertarian Case for Open Borders
The ethics of New Zealand selling citizenship to tech investor Peter Thiel
The Ethics of Deporting Citizens
Going Nowhere and Just for Fun