Our Minister

Mike Ray

Mike Ray serves this congregation as the minister.  He also teaches a variety of bible classes throughout the year.  Mike returned to this congregation as minister in 2013 after he left as a member to begin preaching in 1999.  He has currrently been preaching for 24 years starting at Pelham Church of Christ in 1999 then moving on to Trousdale Church of Christ where he served as a minister and elder until January 2013.  He is now in his 11th year as minister here.  He and his wife, Lana are both retired public high school teachers and coaches.  They served in public education for over 30 years each. 

2019 Mike and Lana with sons and their wives. Left to right: Mike, Lana, Bobby, Ashley, Haley, and Greg

Mike, Lana with sons Bobby and Greg in 1999