HHPSSA Updates
Here you will see important updates through the year
- Upcoming events... 31/10/18 - Boccia inclusive event - 9:45 - 12:15
31/10/18 - Girls 6 a side Football Tournament 2:15 +
1/11/18 - Borough Tag rugby League (invites went out)
16/11/18 - Borough Quicksticks Hockey (invites are out)
- Make sure you have entered the girls football tournament for after half term. (31/10/18 - invites have been sent out)
- The football league is tight just before our winter break. Get your results in and see the league tables.
- The Cross Country results are in...
A massive congratulations to Charville for winning both the boys and girls cross country events. Joining them in qualifying for the finals is Dr Triplett's girls and Cranford Park boys. Good luck in the borough final next week.
- Netball League starts - Thursday 27th September 2018
- Football league starts - Wednesday 26th September 2018
- Make sure you have entered the cross country
- Keep an eye on the calendar for any upcoming events