Evening Telegram Obituary Index, Herkimer, New York

The Evening Telegram has been published in the afternoon for many, many years. Beginning May 1, 2010 it became a morning newspaper and the name changed to The Telegram. Years later, it merged with the Little Falls newspaper and is now the Times Telegram.

This is an index beginning 4/1/1997 and is partially indexed through July 31, 2009. This in an ongoing project, both to continue forward and go back and fill all obituaries for these years. There are over 7000 obituaries indexed on this site. 2008 up to May 20, 2009 is completely indexed and copies are available of all obituaries. Previous years are almost completely indexed except for 2005, 2006 and 2007, each one of those is about half done and some of them have copies of the obituary available. If you are looking for more recent obituaries you can just google the person's name with the word obituary after it.

Some of the "value" in this index is that you may be able to find the spouse and children of a woman when you only know her maiden name. The women in this index often have their parent's names listed including their mother's maiden name.

There are certain conventions that I used in formatting the surnames. All punctuation and spaces are removed from the names, O’Dell is ODELL and Van Alystyne is VANALYSTYNE.

The person's first name is as it appears in the obituary but I didn't enter nicknames. You can use these pages to check parents or spouses names too.

Didn’t find what you are looking for? Not everyone has their obituary published in the Evening Telegram, you may find the obituary you are looking for in the Little Falls or Utica newspapers.

The information on the indexed pages is arranged like this:

Last name

First name



Date of newspaper (not death date)

Father's name

Mother's name

Spouse name

Spouse death date

Second spouse name

children (yes or no)

scanned? If you find "yes" or "text" in this column you can email me for the obituary, they are either scanned from the newspaper or I have a text file of the obituary.

Please email me here: herkimergenealogy@gmail.com, and in the subject line please put something like "obituary request". I should answer your email within 2 days, if you don't hear from me try again, your email may have been lost in email never-never land. Of course, depending on your spam filters, my email response may get blocked going to you, so if you need to put my email address in your address book, please do.

If you have found this site useful I would love to hear from you. Good luck in your research!