Hereford Chess Club

Hereford Chess Club meets upstairs at the Herdsman Pub in Widemarsh Street from 7:15 onwards every Wednesday evening.

Casual and competitive chess is played between September and June, with casual chess continuing throughout the summer.

Players of all strengths and experience are welcome.  Friendly, casual games of chess are available most nights.

Further information can be found on the club's facebook site: 

and/or by emailing 

Hereford may have been the first English city outside London to host a chess club; which was first formed in 1812.  This painting by Thomas Leeming (1788-1822) is on display at the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery and depicts Hereford Chess Club in 1815 


Hereford Chess Club meets upstairs at the Herdsman Pub in Widemarsh Street from 7:15 onwards every Wednesday all year round.  There is a multi-storey car park opposite the club.

The Herdsman Pub.  54 Widemarsh Street, Hereford HR4 9HG

The herdsman hereford | Facebook 

I think chess has a fault, which is that a man may be too cunning at it. For to be excellent in the play of chess, one must spend so much time on it, and study so much, that one may as soon learn some noble science, or encompass any other matter of importance. And yet after all that labour, one knows no more but a game.  Therefore, I believe here happens a very rare thing, namely that being average at chess is more commendable than being excellent.

- Baldassare Castiglione (1528)