The protein protests in Ferguson, Missouri

Post date: Sep 9, 2020 7:30:51 PM

Rd-blog-number-3927 by Herb Zinser

The protein protests in Ferguson, Missouri and the biochemistry WAR messenger Michael Brown

This blog post reviews the world-wide protein WAR MESSAGE ... and a recent message from the biochemistry military expression EVENT in Ferguson, Missouri.

The protein social engineering expression system arranged for the sequence of EVENTS that occured in Ferguson, Missouri.

This information technology process of Nature's biology systems was announced long ago Herbert Spencer.

Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books Result

John Arthur Thomson - 1906

Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the fact of ...

If life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then ...

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer

... in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more ... said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations

Given that ...... let's look at the protein message processing system and its message from Ferguson, Missouri.

The molecular cell biology signaling EVENT ....

Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson ...

We look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE keywords and concepts .. for CLUES about the more TRUE NATURE of the tragic signaling EVENT.

The above map ..suggest we consider a St.Charles (Darwin) view of the situation ..... perhaps the evolution of SYMBOL LIFE and proper nouns ... using humans as concept carriers for Nature's social engineering and brain engineering systems .. .the concepts operate at a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness level in a community (The GROUP MIND) and sometimes rise up to a level of visibility ...VIA human behavior and actions the EARTH's geography surface level .... in a sense geography land ..provides a stage platform for the human information carriers (that are not aware of the deeper levels of thought within them .. subliminal mind,etc).

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.

Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Hence, we look at the EVENT and the SYMBOL MACHINE clues ......

Michael Brown --> Brown --> Browinian motion

Brownian Motion demonstration with EARTH LAB specimen (ato)Micahel Brown

American Institute of Physics

Brownian Motion. This simple demonstration of Einstein's explanation for Brownian motion shows little particles batting about a more massive one, and what it ...

Ferguson --> subset letters--> Fer --> route to --> FermiLAB physics

Darren Wilson --> word --> Wilson ----> route to Wilson Hall, Batavia, Illinois

Michael Brown Protesters March to Ferguson Police Department‎ - 5 hours ago

A day of civil disobedience in and around St. Louis began Monday with a testy exchange between protesters and police in Ferguson, Missouri, ...

Above EVENT is an example of Isaac Asimov's biochemstry of math predictions .................

Psychohistory (fictional) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Psychohistory is a theoretical science in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe which combines history, sociology, and mathematical statistics to make general ...

‎Axioms - ‎The Prime Radiant - ‎Development - ‎Limitations

Hari Seldon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hari Seldon is a fictional character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University on Trantor, Seldon ... to his last moments on psychohistorical equations; his activated Prime Radiant was ...

Psychohistory by Isaac Asimov from Foundation - Technovelgy

Psychohistory by Isaac Asimov: Branch of mathematics describes the behavior of human beings en masse.

The Asimov concept equation printed in the newspaper and on the INTERNET .........

Michael Brown Protesters March to Ferguson Police Department‎ - 5 hours ago

A day of civil disobedience in and around St. Louis began Monday with a testy exchange between protesters and police in Ferguson, Missouri, ...

Michael Brown Protesters March to Ferguson Police Department

Mic ..... Brown Prote ..... March to Fer .................

Atomic Bronwnian Motion + Proteins + Jerry March + ferrous oxide IRON atoms in Hemoglobin with atomic number 26 and its atomic English language alphabet of 26 letters.

Thus we begin to see some of the pieces of the Ferguson puzzle VIA the INTERNAL protein expression system that used EXTERNAL proteins structures (humans) to convey a message from one of Nature's deeper levels of REALITY ...that are not directly obvious.

Hence, we now consider the reasons for Nature's protein anger message.

First ..the components we see far ...

a) Brownian motion via Michael Brown

b) protein protesters via Michael Brown .... involving Brownian motion

Thus we consider an INTERNET word clue ..

Einstein's Explanation of Brownian Motion

University of Virginia

This applet demonstrates Brownian motion. the big particle can be considered as a dust particle while the smaller particles can be considered as molecules of a

the big particle can be considered

the big particle can be considered like 292 pound Michael Brown

Einstein's Explanation of Brownian Motion

University of Virginia

This applet demonstrates Brownian motion. the big particle can be considered as a dust particle while the smaller particles can be considered as molecules of a

Let's look at the above INTERNET words again .... it like a tailior made clue ..about?

Using reverse engineering ....reversing how we look at the above words ...let's think backwards ...

Step 1) the Ferguson event in year 2014

Step k) .... ???..

Step n) year 1905 and Einstein's time period

Step 1 words (brownian motion, atomic michael, protein protesters, ferrous oxide with Ferguson and FermILAB, Darren Wilson with Wilson Hall and E. Bright Wilson)

Let's look at SYMBOL MACHINE language mechanics

Einstein's Explanation of Brownian Motion

University of Virginia

This applet demonstrates Brownian motion. the big particle can be considered as a dust particle while the smaller particles can be considered as molecules of a

Using reverse engineering ....reversing how we look at the above words ...let's think backwards ...

Step 1) the Ferguson event in year 2014

Step k) .... ???..

Step n) year 1905 and Einstein's time period

Step 1 words (brownian motion, atomic michael, protein protesters, ferrous oxide with Ferguson and FermILAB, Darren Wilson with Wilson Hall and E. Bright Wilson)

Missing is the proper noun word EINSTEIN in the year 2014 explanation of the Brownian motion EVENT.

The other year 2014 keywords .. do point to Quantum mechanics and FermiLAB (suggesting physics).


Einstein and his Nature's ... Asimov equation

Eins add Eins

Eins plus Eins

Proteins + Proteins --> protein abbreviated language code ....

eins + eins --> einstein

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist and philosopher of science.[3] He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).[2][4] He is best known in popular culture for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation").[5] He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".[6] The latter was pivotal in establishing quantum theory.

Thus Nature is angry that civilian society does not recognize scientists like Albert Einstein, Max Born, etc.

It seems young people and their parents have plenty of time for new music songs, watching television,

talking on molecular cell biology cell phones, watch DVD movies, etc.

They can't be bothered to understand the basics of REALITY and the everything in Nature exists to serve them food, oil, lumber, pleasure, etc ..... and Nature gets little in return ..except the lies of Liege Belgium, fantasy stories by schools of journalism, and deliberate violations of the sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty by the family dinner table.

Thus is summary ...

in year 1905 -->

Brownian motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This is a simulation of the Brownian motion of a big particle (dust particle) that .... Albert Einstein (in one of his 1905 papers) and

‎Wiener process - ‎Gamboge - ‎Geometric Brownian motion - ‎Robert Brown

and we see ..... over 100 years later .. message re-emerges in a visible, display in the St.Louis region opportunity for their high school and college graduates to prove they are aware of this Sartre existential DEMO of existence ... with a living protein social engineering language.

Another protein blog post ..... click on the link.

The (Tyr) tyrosine polar amino acid metabolism battle at Lake Tyrifjorden, Utoeya, Oslo, Norway. The ancient components of Nature return to Norway in battle with symbolic dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex .