Dolton female DATABASE

Post date: Aug 03, 2021 1:52:50 AM

Notes 019 - Dolton Illinois earth …..

Secretary teenage female student DATABASE analysis ….

The EARTH geography states of Wisconsin and Illinois →

Postal code Wi + ill →

Will /effort /determination


Thomas Jeffort Jefferson


Arthur Schopenhauer book on

WILL (thoery and outline)


Arthur Schopenhauer book on

WILL (applications to the British Colonial Empire and the EARTH Government

of William Ewart Gladstone)

Notes 019 - Dolton Illinois and Chicago

.. and the British Government

DEVON-DOLTON Torridge district with

Dolton Illinois ...

Thornridge High school

Notes 019 - Dolton Illinois and

Chicago 1971-1972

Robert F White payroll company

Secretary school for females

accounting class with MR, Z

and a new generation of


secret teenage female agents

for the living English language,

mathematics and astrophysics

used by the United States

and Great Britain

Notes 019 .. by Herb Zinser

clues to various puzzles about society and molecular social science signaling events

Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best BUY brain electron THOUGHT circuits › wiki › Robert_Young_(actor)

Robert George Young (February 22, 1907 – July 21, 1998) was an American film, television, and radio actor, best known for his leading roles as Jim Anderson, ...

Father Knows Best i

was an American sitcom starring Robert Young, Jane Wyatt, Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray, and Lauren Chapin. The series, which first began on radio in 1949, aired as a television show for six seasons with a total of 203 episodes. Created by Ed James, Father

Knows Best follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the Midwestern town of Springfield. The state in which Springfield is located is never specified, but it is generally accepted to be located in the Midwestern United States.[1]

Am (atomic mass)

Am (amplifier of falling in love data)

Am (access methods to beautiful women)

American sitcom

starring Robert Young,

starring Robert Young,

starring Robert ….. Young,

starring Robert F White payroll company in


with a data a processing school

and a

secretary school for teenage females

age 18, age 19

starring Robert Young,

starring Robert Young,

starring Robert F White company

…………………. Female White Young,

starring Robert F White payroll company in


with a data a processing school

and a

secretary school for teenage females

age 18, age 19

starring Robert Young,

starring Robert Young,

starring Robert F White company

…………………. Female White Young, › wiki ›


A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman

is the second novel of Irish writer

(human eye ……IRIS cornea retina

a bio-optical language computer

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman

is the second novel of Irish


PROGRAM NAME = James Joyce

Thus his physical biology BODY is dead ….

But NATURE’s thought systems took a copy of his brain computer …… this he continues as a

Subroutine PGM = James Joyce

James Joyce.

James Joyce.

James Joyce.’

James Joyce.

A Künstlerroman written in a modernist style, it traces the Chicago-Dolton high school female graduate from › class-of-1970 › wiki › Astrophysics

Astrophysics is a science that employs the methods and principles of physics in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena. ...

Among the EARTH LAB subjects studied …

are beautiful young women …


2017 Nobel Prize in Physics

Kip S. Thorne was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics "for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves."Nov 26, 2020

2017 Nobel Prize in Physics parallel

expression systems

2017 Nobel Prize in Physical beauty, intelligence ,and personality

Kip S. Thorn earth → ThornRidge High School in Dolton

was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in

bio-Physics of females "for decisive contributions to

the LIGO Detector parallel

CHICAGO Dolton detector

Of secret romance and interference signals in the Chicago LOOP

and the observation of gravitational waves."Nov 26, 2020 › wiki › Kip_Thorne

Kip Stephen Thorne (born June 1, 1940) is an American theoretical physicist known for his contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics.

Class information and alumni listings

for the class of 1970 / 1973

from Thornridge High School

in Dolton, IL. with



From ..american

Eric → Erich › wiki › Erich_Fromm

Erich Seligmann Fromm was a German social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist.

Erich Fromm letter equation

Databases ..such as office furniture,

building walls with Anne Frank data within

House i

n the Nikola Tesla EARTH sin data and instruction carrier wave continuum

… / oscillation continuum

And its message ability


to Kenosha and Oshkosh

Taliesin (a sin wave interceptor building with human bio-sensors)

Spring Green

Wisconsin › anne-frank › secret-annex

Take a look around and explore the Secret Annex where

IBM base 16

oxygen atom 16

Anne Frank

was in hiding for more than

two years (base 2 = two = dos =- binary systems)


World War II (world war eleven of SKUll) , and where she wrote her diary.

she wrote her diary.

she wrote her diary. › 2011/01/24 › a-physicist-explains-...

Jan 24, 2011 — It is possible that there are many other

EARTHLY language and music universes that exist

parallel to our EARTH reality universe and the Miss Universe pussy contest.

Theoretical physicist

orfice hole Brian Greene,

autism author of The ... › the-hidden-reality

Sep 11, 2019 — Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos played out in Nigeria Africa.

“There was a time when 'universe' meant 'all there is,'” writes Greene, “but soon we may ...

she wrote her diary.

she wrote her diary.

she wrote her diary MIRROR

she wrote her diary MIRROR

she wrote her ..ia MIRROR

she wrote her ai MIRROR

she wrote her dairy MIRROR


milk & cheese


she wrote her dairy MIRROR

she wrote her dairy MIRROR

she her dairy MIRROR

she her

she her

her she

her she

her she dairy MIRROR

her she

her she

her she

Hershey MILK chocolate

candy bar

……constructed of atoms

and thought molecules

she wrote her dairy MIRROR


milk & cheese


she wrote her dairy MIRROR

she wro → West Road & te(tetz farms for feeble minded farm workers) in Watertown Wisconsin

her dairy MIRROR

her dairy MIRROR

her dairy MIRROR

her daily dairy cow …. Protein LOG records of human activity and shit brain destruction of Bethesda Lutheran Home dairy farm for feeble minded farm workers ..that was very successful from 1904 to 1964 ...1974

cotton clothes, etc › wiki › Kip_Thorne

Kip Stephen Thorne (born June 1, 1940) is an American theoretical physicist known for his contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics.

Class information and alumni listings

for the class of 1970 / 1973

from Thornridge High School

in Dolton, IL. with



From ..american

Eric → Erich › wiki › Erich_Fromm

Erich Seligmann Fromm was a German social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist.

Robert F White company

Rob ---> ro + b → row of botany plants

Robert F White company

Ro b ert → Row botany earth

Language …..

Robert F White company

Fabric White company

Fabric White company

Fabric White cotton panties

RD site

Robert F White payroll company


secretary school for females › wiki › taylor-series-approximation

About featured snippets


People also ask

How do you find the Taylor polynomial of a function?

How do you approximate a polynomial function?

How do you multiply Taylor polynomials?

Why do we approximate function with polynomials?

Feedback › ~rhaas › chp4taylor


Approximating functions by Taylor. Polynomials. 4.1 Linear Approximations. We have already seen how to approximate a function using its tangent line.

And Nature's existential expression systems


her bio-math …..

Legendre polynomials

In physical science and mathematics, Legendre polynomials (named after Adrien-Marie Legendre,

who discovered

them in 1782) are a system of complete and orthogonal polynomials, with a vast number of mathematical properties, and numerous applications. They can be defined in many ways, and the various definitions highlight different aspects as well as suggest generalizations and connections to different mathematical structures and physical and numerical applications.

Closely related to the Legendre

Closely related to the Legendre

Close...very close /near to the skin ….. Cotton THOUGHT molecules in the format of underwear clothes

….. cotton panties

Closely related to the Legendre

Closely related to the Legendre

Close...very close /near to the skin …..

Cotton THOUGHT molecules

in the format of underwear clothes

….. cotton panties

…… hips of a nice female ass

With human legs, ankles,

and feet with ten toes and a

Leg of gal .. leg + gal →

Legal systems with

Female atoms and molecules of THOUGHT about family and social

engineering …..

using Nature’s molecule TOOLS ….

Vagina juice/ lubrication molecules

….. Molecule expression systems

Using human action figures ….

Juicy cybernetic pussy systems

With university campus systems

related to the Legendre

Closely related to the Legendre |

Closely related to the Legendre polynomials are associated Legendre polynomials, Legendre functions, Legendre functions of the second kind, and associated Legendre functions.

Below, the six ixonia Wisconsin

City of

human sin wave oscillators in BED in a horizontal position - Wikipedia › wiki › Oshkosh,_Wisconsin

Oshkosh is a city in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, of which it is the county seat. The city had an estimated population of 67,004 in 2019, making it the ...

City of

human sin wave oscillators

human sin wave oscillators

humanUsin wave oscillators

data waves (ves = vector space


atomic office building life with its furniture, office supplies and human contents with attached emotions,

ideas, perceptions ….. contents …

and the atomic office building life


females and the

falling in love languages ……

everything that happens …..

emotions, pleasure, feelings , etc)

Female body kneeling …. (her parallel expression and message system)

In 4 legs of cellulose wooden /lumber furniture position of a coffee table

legs of a Legendre fun/ pleasure/ emotion function in a bedroom

Her 2 arms and 2 legs equivalent to 4 legs of a wood table

Her blow job oscillations ….

She is generating a

sin wave data set …..

legs of a Legendre fun/ pleasure/ emotion function in a bedroom

using his penis information systems

….his bio-computer penis as

data pipeline

Thus her position is very important in BEDROOM existential geometry ….. activity space and data exchange space….

Her four leg position (2 legs on knees

And the 2 arms of elbows) and his 2 legs = 6 legs …..,,,,, giving the


human 6-leg components needed for math lab ….

Leg functions of the LEGAL/ judicial systems and jury people …

Her four leg position (2 legs on knees

And the 2 arms of elbows) ……


at the

EARTH LAB … human MALE specimen as a bio-physics bio-math language surface

...male skin as a information display area in his penis area with IBM BALLS computer language ….

The Loretta Young Show (originally known as Letter to Loretta) is an American anthology drama television series broadcast on Sunday nights from September 2, 1953, to June 4, 1961, on NBC for a total of 165 episodes. The series was hosted by actress Loretta Young, who also played the lead in various episodes.

The Loretta Young Show was sponsored by Procter & Gamble for its first six seasons, from 1953 to 1959. After a dispute with her sponsor, Young found other sponsors to sustain her program: The Toni Company (1959-1961), Philip Morris (1959-1960), and Warner-Lambert's Listerine (1960-1961).

The program began with the premise that each drama was an answer to a question asked in her fan mail; the program's original title was Letter to Loretta. The title was changed to The Loretta Young Show during the first season (as of February 14, 1954), and the "letter" concept was dropped altogether at the end of the second season. At this time, Young's health, which had deteriorated due to a heavy production schedule during the second season, required that there be a number of guest hosts and guest stars; her first appearance in the 1955–56 season was for the Christmas show.

From this point on, Young appeared in only about half of each season's shows as an actress and merely functioned as the program hostess for the remainder. She became known for swirling around in her gowns during her entrance through a door at the start of the show, a convention parodied by many comedians, including Ernie Kovacs.[1]

Young was quoted as saying[2]

After the audience had seen me well-groomed, I can wear horrible clothes, ugly make-up, or even a false nose during the show without anyone wondering whether I've aged overnight or something.

This program, minus Young's introductions and summarized conclusions

(Young insisted on their deletion due to her concern that

the dresses she wore

in those IBM IMS record segments

would "date" the IBM IMS computer program),

Schools of human molecule insect people with an IP address / worm children

The President BIDEN ……

Earth systems and the

Bid/asked price of human

parents and children

Segment search arguments (SSAs)

Segment search arguments (SSAs)

Segment search arguments (SSAs)

Segment search arguments (SSAs) specify information for IMS™ to use in processing a DL/I call. Regardless of the datatype for the field specified in a SSA, the SSA treats the field as a binary type and does a binary comparison.

A DL/I call with one or more SSAs is a qualified call, and a DL/I call without SSAs is an unqualified call.

Unqualified SSAs

Contains only a segment name.

Qualified SSAs

Includes one or more qualification statements that name a segment occurrence. The C command and a segment occurrence's concatenated key can be substituted for a qualification statement.

You can use SSA to select segments by name and to specify search criteria for specific segments. Specific segments are described by adding qualification statements to the DL/I call. You can further qualify your calls by using command codes.

Suez Canal

Suez Canal

The Suez Canal (Arabic: قَنَاةُ ٱلسُّوَيْسِ‎, Qanātu s-Suways) is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez and dividing Africa and Asia. The canal is part of the Silk Road that connects Europe with Asia.

In 1858, Ferdinand de Lesseps formed the Suez Canal Company for the express purpose of building the canal. Construction of the canal lasted from 1859 to 1869 and took place under the regional authority of the Ottoman Empire. The canal officially opened on 17 November 1869. It offers vessels a direct route between the North Atlantic and northern Indian oceans via the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, avoiding the South Atlantic and southern Indian oceans and reducing the journey distance from the Arabian Sea to London by approximately 8,900 kilometres (5,500 mi), or 10 days at 20 knots (37 km/h; 23 mph) to 8 days at 24 knots (44 km/h; 28 mph).[1]

The canal extends from the COMPUTER EARTH

northern terminus of

Port Said

to the southern terminus of

Port Tewfik

at the city of Suez. Its length is 193.30 km (120.11 mi) including its northern and southern access-channels.

In 2020, more than

18,500 vessels ..

parallel existences and expression formats

There are three kinds of blood vessels:

arteries, veins, and capillaries (human INTERNAL biology language)



…..of the atomic living EARTH sphere (Planet earth as a cell)


the earth geography surface expressions ….. .

There are three kinds of blood vessels:

City highway arteries,

Veins of coal, silver,and gold, and capillaries

Each of these plays a very specific role in the INTERNAL Herbert Spencer circulation process….

And the

EXTERNAL newspaper & magazine circulation

Highway Arteries carry

Automobile oxygenated

…… Gasoline as blood….

away from the heartland of the United States .

They're tough on the outside but they contain a smooth interior layer of epithelial cells that allows blood to flow easily.

18,500 vessels traversed the canal (an average of 51.5 per day).[2]

Suez Canal math function

Suez Canal

Suez Canal

Suez Canal

Su ez Canal

Cliffs of Dover chalk

Cliffs of Dover chalk

Cliffs of Dover chalk

The cliffs are made from chalk, a soft white, very finely grained pure limestone, and are commonly 300-400m deep.

The chalk layers built up gradually over millions of years. ...

The resulting edge of chalk is the iconic White Cliffs of Dover

The chalk layers built up

The chalk layers built up

The chalk layers built up in Chicago

Robert F White secretary school … accounting class ….

Blackboard ..

Atomic Dover Chalk family to

Atomic Lover of molecules

of Dolton female format

Dover to Dolton …..

..over and out …..

with Rex Stout output data stream ….

R = Region of existence

…. Nature’s various communications systems and methods engineering class 101


Freud's philosophical …

Frequency sig ----> signal

sigmund → mundelein Illinois



Frequency un-defined …..

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

Isa ac → Paul Dirac

Sir Isaac Newton PRS (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27[a]) was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author (described in his time as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the greatest mathematicians and most influential scientists of all time. A key figure in the scientific revolution, his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), first published in 1687, established classical mechanics. Newton also made seminal contributions to optics, and shares credit with German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for developing the infinitesimal calculus.

Roberta … 1972/1973 …

geology student at Chicago Circle campus

Geological layers …. Data and instruction layers of

of EARTH human social science logic and languages …..

Thus the Great Britain

Dolton, Devon, England - Wikipedia › wiki › Dolton,_Devon

Dolton is a small village and civil parish in the Torridge district of Devon, in south-west England. The parish is surrounded, clockwise from the north, ...



DEVON-DOLTON English words and thoughts

Dolton, illinois is a small village and civil parish in the

Torridge district ..ThornRidge High school

(Torrence Avenue ..

Ford Motor Assembly line)

of Devon Avenue Chicago

geological layers of thought


in south-west England ..

In north-east Illinois.



DEVON Avenue Chicago

Roberta (geology student) route data to

Robert F White company

(CHICAGO LOOP) secretary school

route to the DOLTON

Teenage female agent

(versus the dishonor of sports and the

schemes of golf course tee ..double ee→ earth electron platform of land that humans walk upon …..

and e = 2.718 Euler’s Number )



DEVON Avenue Chicago

Roberta (geology student) route data to

Robert F White company

(CHICAGO LOOP) secretary school

route to the DOLTON

Teenage female agent


to Nature’s atomic iron automobile DATABASE ….

The COMPUTER EARTH assembler program

Of the IBM ...Basic Assembly Language --->

BALTIC region in north Europe


below a atomic /molecular physical line

of assembler computer code with

human bio-computers …..

and touch/data transfer …….

Touche Ross & Co | What's in a name |

Human hand/fingers TOUCH and data exchange and secret money systems Accounting history …

of the

female pussy system purse

(FermiLAB Batavia/Chicago …

females …..

vagina geometry shape) ,

The money machine configuration explained by

First lady Jill Biden (secret Bid & Asked price of special pussy )


Insert into Vagina ..

Insert money into the woman’s

purse configutaion

explained by

First lady Jill Biden (secret Bid & Asked price of special pussy )



DEVON Avenue Chicago

Roberta (geology student) route data to

Robert F White company

(CHICAGO LOOP) secretary school

route to the DOLTON

Teenage female agent


to Nature’s atomic iron automobile DATABASE ….

The COMPUTER EARTH assembler program

Of the IBM ...Basic Assembly Language --->

BALTIC region in north Europe


below a atomic /molecular physical line

of assembler computer code with

human bio-computers …..

and touch/data transfer …….

The India/Hindu and Pakistan people

of Devon Avenue Chicago

Modern year 1980 to year 2021 Kellwasser extinction


Kelly Drew and Tim HacK extinction at Ixonia and the rigged information …..


At the murder trial of

Edward Edwards

Kellwasser extinction of

Kellum Hall ….

a quantum hall RD site

male dormitory at Florida State University Tallahassee (earth electron and human activities and emotions )

Kellwasser extinction of

Detective Kelly in

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Today marks twelve years since three Pittsburgh Police officers were ambushed and killed in Stanton Heights.

Officers Eric Kelly, Paul Sciullo, and Stephen Mayhle were shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance

Pittsburg standard model battle site in


social & population systems battle ..

1016 Fairfield Street ….

The 1964 World’s Ethics and Honor code Fair in Queens NYC


address space 1016

Hex’10’ = 16 decimal

Stanton Heights over the

Devon-Dolton PROJECT

Devon Dolton ….

Devon Dolton ….

Devon avenue ..

Devon avenue …..

Geology of the

sub-continent of INDIA (in + dia→ Inner diameter of EARTH

and the languages with IP → India Pakistan IP ..Internet protocol of the atomic inner earth )

route to Robert F White

secretary school for

secretary school with

accounting class (rows and columns of female students)

Studying the rows and columns of

Accounting entries/money

secretary school for

iron-54 agents

And their blood iron

Fe = ferrous oxide atom/iron

Fe = females (Iron Lady project)

Route to Dolton ….

Route to Dolton →

Gary Indiana (india + na → India North America …..

atomic mass (AM)

---> amplifier with access methods

Devon avenue …..

Geology of the

sub-continent of INDIA (in + dia→ Inner diameter of


(data processing system internals)

…. languages surface in the

Geography region

Gary (Geology → Geography grammar array ) of the iron mills

Atomic fe = ferrous oxide/iron

26 protons of automobile metal with

26 atomic

English alphabet letters …

(Mesabi iron ore range

(source atomic metal ore per

EARTH atomic, gravity,

magnetic field iron

core (center of earth

per Jules Vector Verne)



core ….open door to earth geography surface

Atomic vertical Columns (groups) and human standing representatives/

Human symbols for other existences and their formats ….

are determined by the electron configuration of the atom; elements with the same number of electrons in a particular subshell fall into the same columns (e.g. oxygen and selenium are in the same column because they both have four electrons in the outermost p-subshell).



core ….open door to earth geography surface ...and the atomic and molecular surface

….. Expressions human smiles & faces and romance …..

Money and secret BUSINESS with brain waves and brain FLIPS,etc ….. Vagina economics codes with sports and music SECRETS



core ….open door to earth geography surface ….

Core → co + ore → copper ore and copper wire and the city of electricity

Core .. earth center

iron core

iron core

Iron ore at Mesabi

mineral range

Thus the earth surface land …

And human representatives for the EARTH Government and all formats of existence and languages and communications ….

atomic iron metal,

juicy pussy in the bedroom

With juicy cybernetic algorithms and subroutines

Pussy systems and oscillations ,

oscillations ,

oscillations ,

oscillations , IBM manual on OS/JCL ……

The IBM bio-computer manual of Os = Oscillation and JOBS …..


Bio-computer …. male data pipeline

music…. songs and dance,

Food system with grocery stores,

Real Estate houses with

basement and

above house floors ..

bedrooms …. House --->

Ho + use → Hole users that generate gun bullet holes

And created the V = Nulna V = Vietnam wars with

. House --->

Ho + use → Hole users that generate gun bullet holes

In Ho Chi Minh trail ….

Core .. earth center

iron core

iron core

Iron ore at Mesabi

mineral range

Thus the earth surface land …

And human representatives for the EARTH Government and all formats of existence and languages and communications ….

Phonetics/ audio nerve


Theodore Row Z welt

Welt noun.

world, sphere, public.

President Theodore Roosevelt

What does Velt mean in German?

To bring down a wood tree.

and President WOOD ROW Wilson and

Wilson penis Meat at

Wilson Hall bio-physics at

Batavia / Chicago

And Theodore Dreiserr

Core .. earth center

iron core

iron core

Iron ore at Mesabi

mineral range

Thus the earth surface land …

And human representatives for the EARTH Government and all formats of existence and languages and communications ….


Theodore Roosevelt

And Theodore Dreiser

….. Dore → door earth language

With Joan (down-to-earth) teenage female age 18, 19

At the Dolton earth communication cross-roads

In US tons, it’s

6.583 x 10 exponent 21⋅

US Doltons with some heavy thoughts.


DevoN Avenue

Devon N = Avogadro’s number

Devon N = Avogadro’s number

Devon N = Avogadro’s number

Devon N = Avogadro → Route

the the

Chicago Circle Campus

...Roberta & Guenther geology students ….

geological layers of software

DevoN Avenue

DevoN = Avogadro → Route

Per Devon-DOLTON project

Of Great Britain ...EARTH systems & society & people software

Route to

Robert F White company

Robert F White accounting class filled with female HOT Numbers

evoN Avenue

Devon N = Avogadro’s number

And atomic & molecular, optical and audio …..

Data and information flow --> geological → Dolton Illinois….

Geological …

underground language link

to Gary Indiana (India North America)



Gary …. Ground and underGround

Language and explanation array


Moving up and down layers

Of information and integrity,etc


Down layers (underground)

Down layers (underground)

Moving up to the earth VISIBLE geography region Do = Dolton


JOIN systems together

JOAN from the › class-of-1970

Class information and alumni listings for the class of 1970 from Thornridge /crest/signal

High School in Dolton, IL.


Gary Larson

Gary L ar son

Gary L son ar

Gary La sonar …..

Nature’s systems / Nikola Tesla explains earth vibration ..message systems

GARY .. (Gary Powers secret code…….. )

Francis Gary Powers (August 17, 1929 – August 1, 1977) was an American pilot whose Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

SherLock Holmes


U-2 spy (south pole y-plane of earth plane geometry)

was shot down ...

(Traveling Grammar array) ,,,, › project › underground-son...

Ground Penetrating Radar is often used to determine the presence of any underground storage tanks. We recently were scanning a old service garage in New ...

The Faraday Side of earth energy

Earth underground sonar

Visit the official online home of The Far Side comic data strip by

Gary Larson for your daily dose of Gary's classic cartoons.

New Stuff · ‎Contact · ‎About · ‎Comic Collections

Comic Collections

atomic Collections

Sonar-like animation. How it helps me to take som

George Dunne

George Dunne

George W. Dunne (February 20, 1913 – May 28, 2006) was an American Democratic Party politician from Chicago, Illinois. He was President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners from 1969 to 1991; the longest service of anyone holding that office.

ge W. Dunne (Fe

ge W. Dunne (Fe

ge W. Dunne (Fe

ge W. Dunne (Fe = Ferrous oxide atoms and


Secretary female agents from DOLTON Project (OLTP)

DOLTON Project female agent deliver data packages to Downtown

Chicago …...


Data loop

Showing results for oltp online transaction

Online transaction processing (OLTP) involves gathering input information from

Thorn earth ….


Thorn earth …

Kip Stephen Thorne (born June 1, 1940) is an American theoretical physicist known for his contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics.

Kip Stephen Thorne


Step functions

Stephen Hawking

Kip Thorne › Grand-Design-Stephen-Haw...

In this startling and lavishly illustrated book, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow present the most recent scientific thinking about these and other ...

Astrophysics ..trophy teenage female from ThornRidge High School .

Listings of Thornridge High yearbooks that include alumni seeking yearbooks and Thornridge HS former students that have yearbooks available.

Missing: h ‎| Must include: h

Kip Thorne

Kip Thorne

Kashmir IP address

ThornRidge earth at

Dolton earth




……..mirror ….. At Dolton

India Pakistan(IP)

processing the data and updating existing data to reflect the collected and processes

Kashmir IP address

ThornRidge earth at

Dolton earth




……..mirror ….. At Dolton

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?”

George Dunne

George Dunne and his Unconscious LINK to the

Underground secret code of

falling in love with a

HIGH Probability of success

AND interference by Chicago traveling and moving software subroutines that float around amongst people

George D un ne ..code name

Geo → Geological

D =Data

Un = underground

Ne = neutron news social and romance DATABASE of the greater Chicago region

Robert F White company Chicago

F White

F White

Frequency White

Joan and

basic accounting teacher Mr. Z

Female and male

Joan = Z …..

The equal = sign as Nature’s system

… data pipeline

using bio-computer female tongue

The equal = sign as Nature’s system

… the French Kiss data pipeline

Routing Wavelength assignment in the Chicago downtown LOOP

Routing Wavelength assignment

Routing Wave ass sign → men

Advanced female signaling systems

Routing Wavelength assignment

Routing Wave ass sign → men

Routing and wavelength assignment

The routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem is a MR.male optical networking problem




Wavelength …. hair wave signal from

Rodney Dangerfield › wiki › Rodney_Dangerfield

Rodney Dangerfield (born Jacob Rodney Cohen; November 22, 1921 – October 5, 2004) was an American stand-up comedian, actor, producer, screenwriter, musician and ..

with the goal

of maximizing the number of optical connections. › news › ct-xpm-1985...

Dec 6, 1985 — ... pleasures of child abuse, torture and murder in pornographic detail. ... Judge Gembala then set the $100,000 bond and continued the case .

CHILD PORN …… Data Processing.

CORN trials ……

...molecular corn computer system …...

The Linux® kernel is the main component of a Linux operating system (OS) and is the core interface between a computer's hardware and its processes. It communicates between the 2, managing resources as efficiently as possible.

Classifications: Operating system

Developer: Red Hat Software

Linux corn kernel battle .. the kernel storage bin


The Linux kernel consists of several important molecular

several import ant molecular

several import at molecular

several important molecular

several important molecular

sever important molecular

and Sarte existential parts:

process management,

memory management and bitch,

hardware device drivers (penis hardware drivers into pussy),

filesystem drivers,

network management of

two = 2= dos = zwei = binary

network management of

network management of

network management of

network management of

network management of

network management of

network management of

network management of

network management of

network management of › wiki › The_Two_Towers

The Two Towers is the second volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's high fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. It is preceded by The Fellowship of the Ring and ...

J. R. R. Tolkien's high fantasy battle site

J. R. R. Tolkien's

high fantasy system battle site

J. R. R. Tolkien's

J. R. R. Tolkien's

J. R. R. Tol ….

………..Dolton Illinois battles

J. R. R. Tolkien's

J. R. R. Tolkien's

Job Region RoberT

...Robert F White family and social engineering projects

network management of

network man

network man

network manhattan project

1943 and

september 11, 2001 › opennet › Events › final_approv...

The S-1 Executive Committee (left) met to consider the Lewis report on December ... except that it recommended skipping the pilot plant stage for the pile. › history › chronology

The S-1 Executive Committee recommends that the project move to the pilot plant stage and build one or two piles (reactors) to produce plutonium and ...

Margaret Mead atomic social sciences

manhattan project

september 11, 2001 › opennet › Events › final_approv...

The S-1 → evolution to S-11 (Sept 11, 2001)

Executive Committee (of golf course tee thinkers)

met to consider the

Lewis → wisconsin (Lewis Sinclair) …

report on December ... except that it recommended skipping the pilot plant stage for the pile. › history › chronology

The S-1 Executive Committee recommends that the project move to the pilot plant stage and build one or two piles (reactors) to produce plutonium and … other words

The S-11 Executive Committee recommends that the project move to the airplane pilot plant stage

airplane pilot plant stage

airplane pilot plant stage

airplane pilot plant stage

and build one or two piles (reactors)

and build one

and build one

and build one.. Chicago pile of human bodies at the E2 Night-club › wiki › 2003_E2_nightclub_st...

The E2 nightclub stampede occurred on February 17, 2003, at the E2 nightclub located above the Epitome Chicago restaurant at ... but the pile rapidly reached six feet in height as a result of more than ...

Incident · ‎Aftermath

but the pile rapidly reached six feet in height as a result of more than ..

but the pile rapidly reached six feet in height as a .. Rwanda piles

.. Rwanda piles ..

Routing DEATH via family and community bull-shit

but the pile rapidly reached six feet in height as a result of more than ..

the pile rapidly reached six feet

the pile rapidly reached six feet

the pile …… six feet (6 feet)

the pile …… six feet (6 feet)

the pile …… six feet (6 feet)

the pile …… six feet (6 feet)

the pile

the pile

the pile of

CIVIC-19 age 19

CIVIC-19 age 19

CIVIC-19 age 19

CIVIC-19 age 19

CIVIC-19 age 19

CIVID-19 age 19

incomplete explanations and lies

Search instead for aproximating function tyalor polynomial

A Taylor series approximation uses a Taylor series to represent a number as a polynomial that has a very similar value to the number in a neighborhood around a specified x value: f ( x ) = f ( a ) + f ′ ( a ) 1 ! ( x − a ) + f ′ ′ ( a ) 2 !

A Taylor series approximation

and build two piles (reactors)

two piles (reactors)

to produce plutonium and ...