We are very grateful to our subscribers for their continued support. Subscribers receive badges for the President's Enclosure (including a celebratory Prosecco in the afternoon) and free car parking. They are also invited to attend the Annual General Meeting in March as well as our social events which include the President's River Trip in June and the Annual Dinner in November.
Please consider becoming a subscriber: come and say hello to us at Regatta Control at the finish during the Regatta or, if you can't be there on the day, email
We currently invite new subscriptions of £25 a year, or you may choose to subscribe more if you wish. This can be easily managed by an online payment from your bank, or we can set up a standing order or even accept cheques. Your kind support helps to ensure that our Regatta survives and thrives into the future.
Click here for our Subscription form
Regatta Ties are available, in pure silk and a joy to wear. Prices are £25 available to all, or £20 if you are a Subscriber/Sponsor. Please email for more information.
We are very grateful for the generous support of our subscribers.
As of 31st July 2024 we had received subscriptions from:
Mr. M. S. Akehurst
Mr. K. J. Arlett
Dr. P. A. Ashby
Mr. P. Baldwin
Mr. D. J. Biddulph
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Blakeway
Mr. M. R. Blandford-Baker
Mr. and Mrs. C. Boothroyd
Mr. and Mrs. F.J. and G. M. Brookes
Mr. E. Cerqueira Rees
Mr. R. Collins
Mr. P. D. Crooke
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. T. Cruickshank
Miss. L. M. A. Dance
Ms. K. Dance
Mr. C. S. Darrell
Mr. H. J. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. I. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. C. Davies
Mr. M. A. Doncaster
Mr. N. F. Dowdney, T.D., D.L.
Mr. H. M. A. Dudley
Ms. A. J. Findlay
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Fisher
Mr. W. S. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Friend
Mr. and Mrs. I. Giuliani
Mr. R. S. Goddard
Mr. W. D. Griffiths
Mr. D. G. M. Grist
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. B. Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodgkin
Mr. M. R. C. Humphrys, J.P.
Mr. R. Hunt
Mr. E. A. Jackson
Mr. P. K. and Mrs. H. M. Knowles
Mr. M. H. Leonard
Mr. M. J. S. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Luker
Mr. J. L. Messum
Mr. W. P. Mundy
Mr. R. C. D. Murray
Gp. Capt. D. Packman R.A.F. (Rtd)
Ms. J Phelan
Mr. G. P. J. Pooley
Mr. R. J. Pullen
Mr. R. E. Reed
Ms. S. Keane and Dr. I. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Richardson
Mr. H. Shooter
Mr. D. G. Shove
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Smallbone
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. N. J. C. Snell
Mr. C. W. Sprague
Mr. G. Spurrier
Mrs. E. A. Spill
Mr. J. A. Stoner
Mr D. Swanson
Mr. M. A. Sweeney, C.B.E.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. C. Thompson
Mrs. J. Thorp
Dr. R. Treharne Jones
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Trotman
Mr. R. Way
Mr. M. D. Williams, O.B.E.
Mr. D. J. S. Wright
Mr. R. O. Yorath Williams
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Zarach
Privacy Statement.
Henley Town & Visitors' Regatta holds subscriber and supporter contact details in an electronic format so we can send important news about the Regatta and our various social events: we don't use it for any other purpose or share it with anyone. If you would rather we did not hold this information, please email and we will delete it from our records.