Hemank Lamba

Senior Research Scientist, Dataminr

New York, NY


I am currently a Research Scientist in AI Group at Dataminr.

Before this, I was a post-doc at Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University working with Rayid Ghani and Kit Rodolfa at the intersection of machine learning and public policy.

Previously, I was a PhD student in School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I was fortunate to be advised by Christos Faloutsos and Jürgen Pfeffer. My research was funded by CMU Presidential Fellowship and SNAP Fellowship.

I have also been involved with various Data Science for Social Good programs (UChicago, IBM).

Years ago, I was a Software Engineer (Research) at IBM Research Labs in New Delhi, working in the Telecom and Mobile Research Group. I completed my BTech (Hons) in Computer Science from IIIT-Delhi.

I am a regular member of the PreCog research group @ IIIT-Delhi. Owe a lot of the skills I have obtained in research and development to them. They are a bunch of cool people doing amazing work to say the least.


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