Koh Mitsuda

Koh Mitsuda is an applied scientist who is passionate about natural language processing and dialogue systems, particularly chatbot applications. Since April 2023, he has been affiliated with rinna Co., Ltd. Previously, he worked as a researcher at NTT Labs. In 2021, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in engineering, specializing in dialogue systems, from the University of Tsukuba.

Email:  koh.mitsuda@gmail.com

Personal Links: [CV (pdf)] [Google Scholar] [Hugging Face] [Linkedin] [Twitter]



R&D Projects

LLM Pre-Training

Conducted continual pre-training of Llama 3 8B for Japanese (rinna/llama-3-youko-8b)

[Paper] (LREC-COLING 2024)

Book Release

Co-authored a book about multimodal dialogue systems

Realtime Multimodal Chat

Developed toolkit for real-time multimodal dialogue systems

[Paper] (IWSDS 2024)

Text & Speech Generation

Second in charge (conducted initial trials)

[Paper] (arXiv)

Speech Recognition

Second in charge (conducted initial trials)

[Paper] (ACL 2024 Findings)

Image-Grounded Chat

Released adapter-based bilingual image conversational model


Open User Experiment

Trained fully generation-based chatbot and organized experiment in Twitter


[Paper] (ACL 2022)

Dialogue Generation

Realized robot-to-robot debate  with generation model for AI tech show

[Paper] (AACL 2022)

Character AI Kurisu

Created hybrid QA chatbot by combining QA and generation model

[Paper] (IWSDS 2021)


Realized chit-chat QA with BERT-based QA ranker

[Paper] (LREC 2020)

Character Android totto

Constructed large-scale QA set and trained response generation

[Paper] (IWSDS 2019)

Volunteer Work

Other Contents
