

  • Blavatskyy, P., and Maafi, H. (2020) "The Shape of Discount Function in Intertemporal Choice: a New Test and Experimental Data, Theory and Decision, Vol. 80, No. 11, pp. 121-136. [paper]

  • Blavatskyy, P., and Maafi, H. (2018) "Estimating Representations of Time Preferences and Models of Probabilistic Intertemporal Choice on Experimental Data", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 259-287. [paper]

  • Hollard, G., Maafi, H., and Vergnaud, JC. (2016) "Consistent Inconsistencies? Evidence from Decision under Risk", Theory and Decision, Vol. 80, No. 4, pp. 623-648. [paper]

  • Maafi, H. (2013) " Anomalies of Rational Choice under Uncertainty: Taxonomy of the Invariance Principle and its Empirical Failure", Revue d’Economie Politique, Vol. 123, No. 1, pp 29-49

  • Lévy-Garboua, L., Masclet, D., Maafi, H., and Terracol, A. (2012) "Risk Aversion and Framing Effects", Experimental Economics, Vol.15, No.1, pp.128-144. [paper]

  • Maafi H. (2011) "Preference Reversals under Ambiguity", Management Science, Vol.57, No.11, pp. 2054-2066. [paper]

Selected working papers:

  • "The Evolution of Ambiguity Attitudes through Learning”, with Mohammed Abdellaoui, Brian Hill and Emmanuel Kemel, under review.

  • "The role of misconception and loss aversion in the WTA-WTP Gap: An empirical investigation”, with Emmanuel Kemel, [paper]

  • "Multiple Price List and the Elicitation of Risk Attitudes”, with Graham Loomes and Ganna Pogrebna