
Academic Experiences

  • 2022–present: Associate professor, Department of Energy Technology, Korea Institute of Energy Technology, South Korea

  • 2021–2022: Assistant professor, Department of Energy Technology, Korea Institute of Energy Technology, South Korea

  • 2021–present: Adjunct professor, Data Science Institute, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

  • 2020–2021: Assistant professor, Data Science Institute, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

  • 2017–2020: Adjunct professor, Department of Industrial Civil Engineering, Universidad de Talca, Chile

  • 2016–2017: Postdoc Research Fellow, Asia Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, South Korea.

  • 2011, 2012, 2013: Visiting Researcher, Universidad de Talca


Awards and Grants

  • PI, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), Synchronization stability analysis of 2nd order Kuramoto model on networks (N° NRF-2022R1C1C1005856), 3/20222/2027

  • Co-PI, Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP), Mobile-linked MMC type ESS-based Green Hub Station development and operation demonstration, 11/20217/2024

  • Co-PI, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI), Establishment of a renewable energy-oriented power system roadmap to realize carbon neutrality, 3/20228/2022

  • 2019: PI, FONDECYT de Iniciaciación en Investigación 2019, Improving the Stability of Power Grids with Network Analysis (N° 11190096), 11/2019–10/2022

  • 2017: PI, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), Studies on Synchronization Stability Analysis of Power Grid (N° 2017R1A6A3A01008938), 09/2017–08/2018 (Accepted)

  • 2016: Young Scientist Training Fellowship, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, 08/2016–08/2019

  • 2012 : The Best Presentation Award, Department of Energy Science Workshop

  • 2010 : The Best Poster Presentation Award, 106th Research Conference, Korean Chemistry, Korea


  • 2016: Parallel Computing and Deep Learning, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, South Korea

  • 2014: 2014 NTU-WARWICK Winter School–Introduction to Complexity & Complexity Science

  • 2013: Network Factory, Netsci2013, Malmö, Sweden

  • 2011: Complete a course training, Consequential LCA, EarthShift, US

  • 2010: Life Cycle Assessment for Carbon Emission Certificate, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI), South Korea

  • 2010: Training for Greenhouse Gas Experts, Korea Energy Management Company(KEMCO), South Korea

  • 2008: A Lieutenant, A company commander and an intelligence office, Republic of Korea Army

Related activities

  • 2011–2012: Committee, Presidential G20 Advisory Council, Korean Blue House

  • 2011–2012: Visiting research, Universidad de Talca, Chile

  • 2010: Delegate of Japan, UNESCO-UNU Global Seminar, Korea

  • 2010: Lecture, Carbon Emission Right Society, School of Law, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, ‘As a lawyer, neutral attitude about global warming’

  • 2009: Pass the national examination, The Preliminary Foreign Service Examination, Korea

  • 2009: Intern, People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy(PSPD), Korea

  • 2008: Intern, Okayama Public Law Office, Japan