

Project: Spatial Disparities in Mental Health

Project: Spatial Health Disparities

    Project: The Role of Migrants on Neighborhood Change: Using Spatial Analysis

    Project: Social Mix and Residential Satisfaction of Public Housing Residents

    Project: The Efficacy of Local Comprehensive Plans on Housing Affordability

    Project: Geographic Proximity or Political Boundary?: Spatial Dependency in Neighborhood Change

    Project: Planning for Sustainability in Georgia’s Exurbs

    Project: Comprehensive Planning and Sustainability in Georgia’s Exurbs

    Project: Social Capital in South Korea’s Heterogeneous Communities

    Project: Diverging Paths: The Determinants of Neighborhood Change Across Time and Space



     Project: The Chalk Level Neighborhood Plan, The City of Newnan, GA 

    Project: Western Montgomery County Transportation & Land Use Study

    Project: An Apartment Development in Ohio City: A Case Study