
Welcome! This website showcases the work of my research team and provides resources for students. If you are a student interested in becoming involved in any of the research projects listed please contact me.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

My research is focused on renewable energy and energy efficiency. I typically work on projects that use advanced heat transfer or thermodynamics techniques to address energy problems. Currently my team is working on improving heat transfer in energy efficient lighting, modeling chaotic heat transfer for energy applications, and renewable energy systems.

My teaching is focused on thermodynamics and heat transfer. I teach lecture and laboratory courses using active learning and traditional classroom methods. A few recent classes are listed below.

Introduction to Programming; Mechanical Engineering Analysis; Thermodynamics; Applied Thermodynamics; Heat Transfer; Thermodynamics Laboratory; Research Methods; Renewable Energy; Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Numerical Methods