Congress & The Legislatures

During our course, you will play the role of a U.S. Senator, who you will be assigned on our first day of class. In your character's role, you will give an introductory speech to the Senate, create a campaign poster, write a bill, write a speech about your bill, participate in committee hearings and votes, speak on the floor of the Senate, use your knowledge of Congressional procedure to try to get bills passed, all the while considering constituent preferences, media reactions, and your character’s personal motivations.  In so doing, you’ll get to see legislative process from the perspective of an insider.  Each class during the simulation will mimic a stage of the legislative process: Senate introductions, committee hearings, committee markup, floor debate, and floor votes. Students are encouraged to be creative and assertive (but in character) in offering amendments, making speeches, and lobbying fellow members.

The following video was produced during the Spring 2017 Congress course: 

The following videos were produced during the Spring 2018 Congress courses.  I had two sections -- one played the Senate and one was the House.

The following video was produced during the Spring 2019 Congress course.