

On the Heart & Music public engagement event (11 June 2018):

"It was a privilege to listen to you play. ... I found the whole hour extraordinary:
I didn't realise just how much energy was used or how exhausting [arrhythmia] could be -
it just took my breath away and left me wrung out with hardly a breath left! I almost hurt.
But then again, when you played your last piece it was just like heaving a big sigh,
sitting back and coming home. Wonderful.
Thank you so much for such an unexpected hour."

~ Joan Manning (PPI volunteer)

"... we were treated to a talk by Professor Lambiase about the fascinating work he and his team [were] doing on the heart
and the electrical signals he was now able to map using his 'vest' and he had some excellent graphics to show us.
The music was played by Elaine Chew and to call her maestra of the piano is not sufficient to describe her wonderful performance.
The last piece she played was spellbinding containing as it did the most powerful rendition I have experienced in live performance
followed by the most gentle, delicate finale. It made me realise that I had not been to enough live performances ..."

~ Ronald Collins (PPI volunteer)

"... people found the event very engaging and thought-provoking."

"your connections with the people who came along really show through"

~ Barts Charity reps