
Educational comics can be found about a wide range of conditions and may have a number of purposes, including raising awareness; preparing patients for procedures; assisting with decision making; promoting self-management; or simply increasing understanding and acceptance of a condition.

This website was started as part of a research project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, which found that health education comics can offer patients and family members opportunities for self‐awareness, reassurance, empathy, companionship and ways to explore the impact of illness on family relationships. However, there is a lack of information about where and how to access them.

You can read more in a report of the findings and an article about the project.

The comics listed here could be read whilst waiting for a medical appointment, or during a commute or lunch break, for example. For examples of longer graphic novels, memoirs etc, see Graphic Medicine.

If you are aware of a health education comic not listed here, please email details to