Contact Information
H. Drira is a Full Professor of Computer Science at University of Strasbourg (Telecom Physique Strasbourg) and member of the ICube laboratory (UMR CNRS 7357), in France. He earned the PhD in 2011 from University of Lille (France). He received the the Msc (2007) and the Engineer (2006) degrees in Computer Science both from the National School of Computer Science (ENSI), in Tunisia. He was visiting researcher to the SSAMG group (FSU, USA) in 2013 for 2 months. His research interests include pattern recognition, shape analysis and computer vision. He has published several refereed journals and conference articles in these areas.
Hassen Drira was the pedagogic responsible of the Mastère Spécialisé® “Cybersecurity Engineering”, accredited by the CGE (Conference des Grandes Ecoles) and labeled SecNumEdu by the ANSSI (link) from 2019 to 2022.
Name: Hassen Drira
Email: hdrira@unistra.fr