
The client being shown on Windows, Mac and Android

In 2013 a friend and I started a project to create an audio system that was able to be controlled from a smart phone , computer, tablet and the like. We wanted it to do everything, and by this we mean internet streaming / playing, audio recording, storing massive amounts of media files while allowing one to easily search. 

It was to be fast, very versatile, cheap, and easy to use but above all it must sound good. 

I spent over 1.5 years developing this system, and due to financial reasons (one does need to survive) I have had to stop my own development to a crawl.  

 So we have a mostly complete system that could be innovative and awesome to use, but it still needs some work and I have decided to release its innards such as hardware layout and code base to the world to allow others to help if they wish to make it even more capable.  As this site develops I will give all the details of how it works so that others can have a cheap system to play with and improve.  

Check out our video we made for indiegogo


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