Editorial Activities

 1- Mathematical Reviews (Reviewer) (http://bit.ly/1WKQfFG)

2- Zentralblatt Math (Reviewer)

3- Advances  Studies in Contemporary Mathematics  (Editorial Board)   ( http://www.jangjeon.or.kr/) (1999-2017)

4- Journal of Classical Analysis (Editorial Board) (http://jca.ele-math.com)

5- Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (Editorial Board)  ( http://www.emis.de/journals/JIPAM/

6- Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications  (Editorial Board)  ( http://ajmaa.org/pedb.php ) (2004-2006)

7- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (Editorial Board)  (2001-2013)

8- African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics (N.S)  (Editorial Board) (http://math-res-pub.org/adjm)   

9- The Aligarh Bulletin  of Mathematics    (Editorial Board) (http://www.amu.ac.in/bulletin.jsp)

10- Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and  Applications   (Editorial Board)  (2009-2017)

11- Antarctica Journal of Mathematics  (Editorial Board) ( http://www.domainsmoon.com/ajm.html )

12- Communications in Mathematical Analysis (Editorial Board) (http://math-res-pub.org/cma )

13 - Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics  (Editorial Board ) (https://novapublishers.com/shop/pacific-journal-of-applied-mathematics/)

14- Advances and Applications in  Mathematical Sciences  (Editorial Board ) (http://www.mililink.com )

15- International Journal of Statistics and Mathematics (Editorial Board ) (http://www.acascipub.com)

16- Mathematica Aeterna (Editorial Board) (https://www.longdom.org/mathematica-eterna/editorial-team.html)

17- International Journal of Advances Analysis  (Editorial Board ) (http://www.acascipub.com)

18-American Journal of Computational Mathematics (Editorial Board) ( http://www.scirp.org/journal/ajcm/)

19- Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society  (Editorial Board) ( http://www.jangjeon.or.kr/) (1999-2017)

20- International Journal of Pure Mathematics  (Editorial Board ) (http://www.acascipub.com)

21- i-manager’s  Journal on Mathematics  (Editorial Board) ( http://www.imanagerpublications.com/)

22- American Journal of Mathematics and Sciences  (Editorial Board) (http://journalshub.com/journal-detail.php?journals_id=127 )

23- International Open Journal of Mathematics (Editorial Board ) (http://www.acascipub.com)

24- International Research Journal of Pure Algebra  (Editorial Board)  (http://www.rjpa.info/index.php/rjpa)

25- International Journal of Statistika and Mathematika  (Editorial Board) (http://www.statperson.com/Journal/StatisticsAndMathematics/EditorialBoard.php)

26- Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Editorial Board) (http://math-frac.org/Journals/EJMAA/)

27- International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR)  (Editorial Board) ( http://www.arcjournals.org/ijsimr_editorialboard.php )

28- Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics  (Editorial Board)  (http://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_info.php?id=24)

29- Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications    (Editorial Board)   ( http://fcag-egypt.com/Journals/JFCA/)

30- American Journal of Applied Mathematics (Editorial Board) (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ajam )

31- Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics (Editorial Board) (http://www.omicsgroup.org/journals/applied-computational-mathematics.php)

32- Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards (Editorial Board) (http://www.ijmsea.com/index.php )

33- Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (Editorial Board) (http://www.bmsa.us/editorial_board.php)

34- International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (Editorial Board) (http://www.ijims.com/index.php)

35- Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics  (Editorial Board) (http://apacific.org/ )

36- International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (Editorial Board) ( https://www.ijmset.com/home.html )

37- International Journal of Mathematical Archive (Editorial Board) (http://www.ijma.info/index.php/ijma/pages/view/editorial)

38- Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology (Editorial Board) (http://www.mijst.mju.ac.th/board.htm)

39- Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences (Editorial Board) (http://www.rroij.com/statistics-and-mathematical-sciences.php)

40- Asian Journal of Mathematics and Physics ( Editorial Board ) ( http://ajmp.scienceasia.asia )

41- Open Journal of Mathematical Analaysis  (Editorial Board )  (https://pisrt.org/psr-press/journals/oma/)

42-  Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences ( Editorial Board)  ( https://www.jnsps.org/index.php)

Papers in the MathSciNet  (https://bit.ly/42Ncfnf)

Papers in the Web of Science (https://shorturl.at/hnqru)

Papers in the zbMATH (https://shorturl.at/w4MJ2)

Papers in the Scopus (https://bit.ly/3MJaYsm)

Papers in the Google Scholar (https://shorturl.at/r4LxI)

Full List of  Publications  (PDF)

Paper of Prof. Lee (English) (PDF)

Paper of Prof. Lee (Korean) (PDF)