Team Information

2022-2023 Grand Rapids Nordic Ski Team

If we have not collected from you yet, please email with athlete/parent information. This information will be used only for team information purposes and will not be given out.

Include the following information:

Parents name(s)

Skier name


Home phone

Parents email

Information on the Grand Rapids Nordic Ski Team will be provided on our website which can be accessed through the High School Activities Web Page.

The meet schedule is posted. The practice schedule will also be posted and updated weekly.

IMPORTANT - Please get your activity paperwork completed with fee. Forms can be obtained at the high school activity office or online at the District 318 website. A current physical must be on file (every three years you need a physical). The School will give you a white & yellow receipt which must be given to one of the coaches before you can practice, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Equipment - Skis, Boots & Poles

Everyone will need:

a pair of skating skis

a pair of classic skis

skate boots

classic boots

skate poles

classic poles

There is equipment out there sold as ‘Combi’ skis or Combi boots. We would not recommend Combi skis to anyone on the team. Each ski type has a specific flex associated with the appropriate skiing style, a combi ski will not allow us to teach proper technique and will be a pain for the student and parent as you will have to re-wax the ski almost every day because of the waxing requirements of the two different ski styles.

Younger or new skiers may be able to get by with a combi boot. Again, each boot type is specific to the two skiing styles. Skiers at the JV or Varsity level should have a set of boots for each style. Each skier will need two sets of poles. Skate and Classic.

Team Equipment - The Grand Rapids Parents Club has purchased equipment for use by new skiers. The equipment will be primarily used to provide new ski families a relatively low cost way to be introduced to the sport. The equipment will be made available to first year skiers as a priority. If there is equipment left over, then it may be provided to 2nd or 3rd year skiers. The equipment will be provided on a yearly rental basis. The rental cost will be $20 for each set of boots and $25 for each set of skis. The money collected will be used for equipment replacement.

Clothing -We practice and compete outside in the winter. The coaching staff will be outside with the kids at all times. Being active out of doors in the winter is possible but you must be prepared! We will hold practices and meets at below zero temperatures (following Minnesota State High School League restrictions)

Wind protection -Jacket/shell / wind pants / wind vest

Breathable outer layer - heavy jersey, ski suit, tights

Underclothes (polypro) - 1 or 2 pair of different weights, sports bra

Thin Wool Socks

Gloves - 2 pair (warm and cold) or mittens

Hats 2 (warm and cold),

buff or balaclava

water bottle and carrier

Watch or other time piece.

Uniforms - Ski team uniforms will be handed out as we get closer to competition. You are responsible for the race suit and will pay replacement costs if lost, stolen, or damaged. Do not wear Grand Rapids uniforms as practice gear or to school as some "fun" outfit for school spirit day. It needs to last for many seasons.

Ski Jackets & Pants - Ski Jackets/pants will be available for sale for a skier cost of $90. The Parent’s club subsidizes the remainder of the cost (about $40 per jacket) These Jackets/pants are excellent quality and are very useful as a top layer during practice and as a warm up during events.

Waxing and Waxing Equipment - The team supplies all equipment necessary to practice and compete. We ask for a $25 donation to cover the yearly waxing costs. This method is very cost effective as an individual setup of bench, iron and basic glide and kick waxes will run $400-$500 to an individual. The coaching staff would ask that varsity skiers purchase a cork and basic kick waxes that would be used prior to practices.

Practices - We will be holding practices primarily at Mt. Itasca (five days per week). There will be a season pass required which costs $40 for Jr. High, $60 for High School or Adult and $135 for a family. We will let you know how to purchase the pass soon. The coaches feel that Mt. Itasca provides the best teaching facility and with the snow making, we are guaranteed early season snow close to home.

Practices will start at 3:30 for High School students and at 3:30 for Jr High students (Wednesday’s ½ hour earlier if we can swing it) . High School skiers are expected to practice every day. Jr High, at least three times per week. Please, if you can’t be at a practice, notify one of the coaches. Practices will be over at 5:30 or sundown.

The first practice will be on November 14th at the High School. Meet out front. We will be doing dry-land training until we get snow or the snow making starts at Mt. Itasca (End of November).

Other Nordic Ski Team Information

Fees - GRHS Activity fee

Nordic ski parents’ club contribution for ski wax: $25.

Season pass for Mt. Itasca: $40 for middle school, $60 for high school, $135 for a family-pass.

Parent assistance at ski meets - We need a lot of volunteers for our home meet. There are several ways to help with the meet: helping timers, starting, picking up bibs, sorting bibs, helping in the concession stand, and setting up and taking down the venue. We will have information on our web site about different volunteeroptions.

Carbo loads - These are usually held the night before specified ski meets either at Mt. Itasca or a skier's home. Skiers will have the opportunity to wax skis before the carbo load.

Coaches - Feel free to contact us if you have any questions:

Craig Stertz: 218-999-9444 (h) 218-256-3250 (c) /

Marlo Gangi: 218-256-2469 /