Hawaii Baha'i Community

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For more information about the Baha'i Faith go to: https://www.bahaihawaii.org, or www.bahai.us, or www.bahai.org

The Hawaii Baha'i Community https://www.bahaihawaii.org has membership throughout the Hawaiian Islands. The Ko'olaupoko Baha'i Community (includes areas from Waimanalo, Kailua, Kaneohe, and Kahaluu), and is located on the Windward side of Oahu. https://windwardbahai.org (Visit our main website.)

Hawaii Baha'i representatives from the Hawaiian Islands

The Baha'i Faith is established in more than 190 countries. It is the second-most widespread independent world religion; has significant communities in more countries than any other religion except Christianity; is among the fastest growing religions in the world; has some five million members who come from virtually every nationality, religious background, ethnic group, and social class.

Baha'u'llah was the founder of the Baha'i Faith. He lived from 1817 to 1892. Baha'u'llah was a Persian nobleman who suffered 40 years of exile and imprisonment. He revealed more than 100 volumes of sacred writings. Baha'u'llah was the most recent in the line of Messengers from god that includes Abraham, Chishna, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ, and Muhammad. **

Baha'u'llah taught:

  • that there is only one God

  • that all of the world's religions represent one changeless, eternal Faith

  • that all humanity is one race, destined to love in peace and harmony

  • that the purpose of life on earth is to develop ourselves spiritually, in preparation for an everlasting existence hereafter **

Baha'i Principles include:

      • the oneness of humankind

      • the equality of women and men

      • full racial integration

      • economic justice

      • universal education

      • the harmony of science and religion

      • the adoption of a universal auxiliary language

      • the creation of a world commonwealth of nations that will keep the peace through collective security **

Bahai's . . .

  • are working towards the creation of an ever-advancing, sustainable world civilization

  • strive to uphold high moral standards in all their actions

  • pray and meditate daily

  • understand that strong and healthy families stand at the foundation of society

  • have launched more than 3,000 educational, environmental, social and economic development projects, ranging from village-level tutorial schools to regional health campaigns to national literacy projects **

The Baha'i Community

  • has no clergy and accepts no funds from outside

  • conducts its affairs through a distinctive system of freely elected lay governing councils, which comprise of a global network (www.bahai.org)

  • has extablished local Baha'i governing councils in neatly 10,000 localities worldwide, and national councils in virtually every nation **

** Source: "The Baha'is": A Profile of the Baha'i Faith and its worldwide community


Ko'olaupoko Baha'i Community

P.O. Box 4655 Kaneohe, HI 96744

Phone: (808) 595-3314

email: KoolaupokoLSA@gmail.com


Here are some photos of Baha'is commemorating one of their Holy Days, the Birth of the Bab, one of the co-founders of the Baha'i Faith, with members of the Hawaiian community.

Tadia Rice (back left) with friends, Kahu Eric (back right),

Kahu Suzie (front left), and Kahu Ryan Kalama (front right).

Joe Appolito and friend, Debbie

Susan Hewitt, Chairman of the of the Spiritual Assembly of

the Baha'is of Ko'olaupoko, with one of her floral arrangements

at the celebration of the Birth of the Bab

Friend, Kahu Suzie showing the cake for the Birth of the Bab


Ed Young (center), with a few members of the San Luis

family, at the Birth of the Bab celebration

Linda Price (center) with some of the Jr. Youth and

Youth girls, at the Birth of the Bab celebration

Baha'i Youth at the Birth of the Bab celebration performing

a song they learned from the Fiji Youth Conference

Shrine of the Bab, Haifa, Israel

Hawaii Bahai Photos (Return to Home Page)

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(Visit our main Website)

Ko'olaupoko Baha'i Community

P.O. Box 4655 Kaneohe, HI 96744

Phone: (808) 595-3314

email: KoolaupokoLSA@gmail.com