How to change Nautilus shortcuts?


Nautilus has an easy way to change its shortcuts: highlight the menu item whose shortcut you want to change, and then you press the new shortcut but Linux (or more specifically GNOME) does not allow you to change the shortcuts of Nautilus by default. Thus you should do it in these three steps:

  1. Change the configuration to allow to change the shortcuts, either from command line:
    • gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface can-change-accels true
    • or alternatively by using graphical interface of dconf-editor to change this option.
  2. Open Nautilus without global menu by UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 nautilus and highlight the menu item whose key binding you want to change, either with your mouse or via the keyboard, and press the key(s) you want to use as the shortcut.
  3. After you finished with it, change back can-change-accels to false.