The Fascinating Properties of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes

Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes | Image Resource :

If you take a look at the present market of carbon nanotubes, you would come across a lot of varieties. Among the various types of carbon nano tubes available, the vertically aligned is perhaps the most interesting one. You can guess the structure of this carbon nanotube right through its name. So, vertical alignment is the prime feature you can say.

But, how this vertical alignment is obtained? Well, during the production phase, the carbon nano tubes are passed through extremely small holes or pores of silica. When they are passed, what we get as a result of it is known as vertically aligned carbon nanotubes. As a matter of fact, the vertical alignment of these nano tubes provide them good amount of mechanical strength, which in turn make them quite useful for the heavy industries.

Finding more about vertically aligned carbon nanotubes

Apart from impressive mechanical strength, the vertically aligned form of carbon nanotubes also exhibit excellent electrical conductivity and thermal properties. These nano tubes or carbon can withstand high temperatures as well. Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes are being widely used in the world of electronics. The infinitesimal size of these nano tubes makes them suitable for making small electrical gadgets.

Talking about the automobile sector, the vertically aligned form or carbon nanotubes are being used in the lubricants as a prime ingredient. In addition, they can also be used as an ingredient in paints. Addition of these nanotubes makes the paint even more effective and resistant to corrosion.

Buy vertically aligned carbon nanotubes

If you are looking to buy these nanotubes at reasonable rates then there are plenty of options available in the web world. You can compare the rates and specifications before placing your order. In addition, you can also ask for discounts if you want to buy vertically aligned carbon nanotubes in bulk.